Thanks for the feedback, James.

I have fixed the punctuation issue.

I've also addressed the second issue for mutually-assured good will.


----- Original Message -----
From: "James Mutton" <>
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 5:38:25 PM
Subject: Re: Code of Conduct & Diversity Statement draft needs your feedback!

Thanks Joan,  I really like what this is communicating.

Some thoughts with the section "Specific guidelines":
* List item number 5, bullet 7 does not end with a period while the others do. 
(yeah, I know, I get sticky with consistency when proofing sometimes)
* List item number 7, should we also mention something about others respecting 
when a member has “disengaged” by leaving them alone?


On May 17, 2014, at 16:19, Joan Touzet <> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> The draft CoC and diversity statement have been published at:
> The wiki is a bit slow today so if it doesn't load the first time, hit
> reload and be patient.
> Please take the time to review this and post comments here on the dev
> ML.
> Outstanding items (2 and 3 are specifically for the PMC):
>  1. Create expanded CoC for conferences/events
>  2. Determine appropriate venue and scope for diversity ML
>  3. Determine appropriate private reporting compliance mechanism
> -Joan

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