On 19 Jul 2014, at 12:27 , Robert Samuel Newson <rnew...@apache.org> wrote:

> I agree with you on the category split and, obviously, that we can make a 3.0 
> whenever we like, since it only indicates compatibility breaks.
> MVCC for _security will be great since it will enable us to heal _security 
> writes during partitions with the same logic we use for documents. Cloudant 
> worked around (hacked around) that problem for a long time but we’ve finally 
> done the work to add MVCC for reals, so it’ll be nice to bring that 
> enhancement to CouchDB officially.

Yeah, I don’t see a reason not to get this in for 2.0.

> I don’t think defaulting to conflicts=true is quite the right change. I was 
> thinking that conflicted document would return a 300 Multiple Choices instead 
> of a 200 OK (the response body format TBD but imagine a JSON array of each 
> conflicting leaf revision). I agree that a change like that will break every 
> client, but that would be the intention. A CouchDB 3.0 would be much more 
> forthcoming about its fundamental architecture and would largely eschew the 
> attempts to present an arbitrary "winning" revision.

Right, this was just meant as a possible compromise to get a more 
first-class-conflict API without making this 3-rd category change. Happy to 
abandon it :)

> One further thought occurs, could we totally ditch the code that returns 
> "text/plain" content-type? All that "are you a browser?" logic? It made sense 
> at the time, but I feel it confuses more than it helps today.

I use that all the time :)


> B.
> On 19 Jul 2014, at 10:50, Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 19 Jul 2014, at 10:38 , Robert Samuel Newson <rnew...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> I think this is backward. We are not proposing API changes "just because" 
>>> BigCouch happens to make them.
>>> Given that we have to bump the major version number, we are afforded an 
>>> opportunity to improve our API in significant ways for the first time since 
>>> 1.0. We all know there are warts to be fixed. The question is what to fix 
>>> with 2.0, seeing as we’re making one.
>> That is what I meant to express, with the caveat that we should be
>> careful, taking a conservative stance, so we can meet in the middle.
>>> I would also hate to see low adoption of CouchDB 2.0 if we change too much, 
>>> because I’ve spent quite a bit of time trying to make it happen.
>>> Is there nothing, besides what comes with the BigCouch merge, that we 
>>> wouldn’t want to change for 2.0? At least the ability to add metadata 
>>> without breaking 2.0 compliant clients and libraries, I hope?
>> Most apps should continue to work on CouchDB 2.0.
>> Specifically, the regular document CRUD cycle should work as-is.
>> Especially moving things around in the JSON usually goes further
>> than the HTTP/Couch layer of most apps, as it is usually passed
>> down into the rest of the app, while HTTP specifics are kept on
>> the outside.
>> In that scenario, adding properties should be easier to do than
>> removing them (e.g. _conflicts could be standard, but renaming
>> _rev to _mvcc would break things more significantly), although
>> Bob mentioned the replicator compatibility as a major concern,
>> so we need to make sure this is doable.
>> My main point here is to start a discussion about how we would
>> go about evolving this down the road and my suggestion was the
>> separate API endpoint that we can mess with at will and gradually
>> introduce until we switch at a later time when we feel confident
>> that people have migrated, or a solid compatibility API is available.
>> I see us having three discussions:
>> 1. What do we want to fix/break for 2.0?
>> 2. How do we introduce fixes/breaks that we aren’t comfortable doing for 2.0?
>> 3. What do we want to fix/break for later versions?
>> From this thread, I’d handwavingly suggest these fall into category 1:
>> (as per the “most apps should just continue to work”-mantra):
>> - timeout and heartbeat params for /_db_updates works in different way
>> then the same parameters for changes feed;
>> - we need to find the way to pass open_revs in POST body instead of
>> tweaking max URL param;
>> - we have /db/_revs_diff and /db/_revs_missing endpoints which are
>> doing the same job. Well, the latter is only used for pre-1.1 CouchDB
>> replicator.
>> - /db/doc accepts conflicts, deleted_conflicts and revs params. In the
>> same time we provides meta one which includes each of specified.
>> - make eventsource feed to follow the specification format more better
>> then it does now
>> - MVCC for /db/_security and allow atomic changes for admins/members only
>> - a variant of “Changing the default respones for conflicts to include all
>> versions (or no version).” where ?conflicts=BOOL defaults to true, so we
>> get an additional _conflicts: [] member on regular GETs (if there are
>> conflicts), but not the conflicting versions themselves (see above note
>> about additional doc members)
>> - Fix the list API (inside couchjs) so that its a pure callback like
>> everything else.
>> - 'JSONP responses should be sent with a "application/javascript"'
>> These fall into category 3:
>> - Change _rev to _mvcc or other.
>> - Move document metadata elsewhere (sub-object, headers, whatever)
>> - Changing the default respones for conflicts to include all versions
>> (or no version).
>> - more RESTy API (move /_all_docs to /, db info to _info etc), self-defining 
>> - don’t pollute top level namespace (e.g. /database moves to /db/database)
>> This isn’t exhaustive, and we don’t yet know the answers to some of them.
>> As a repeat: with our new understanding of SemVer, we are free to ship 
>> CouchDB
>> 3.0 a month after 2.0, if we really want to. We are not beholden to marketing
>> version numbers after 2.0 (strictly, we aren’t for 2.0 either, but it is
>> rather convenient :).
>> * * *
>> The view server protocol change suggested by Samuel is IMHO an internal
>> change that should not break BC unless people rely on implementation details.
>> * * *
>> Most apps should continue to work on CouchDB 2.0.
>> Jan
>> -- 
>>> Adding a new top-level _-prefixed field in couchdb causes the replicator to 
>>> crash hard, this is unacceptable brittle imo.
>>> B.
>>> On 18 Jul 2014, at 21:15, Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> I’m major -1 on substantial API changes *just* because we are having some
>>>> by necessity of getting BigCouch in.
>>>> The minor improvements mentioned previously in this thread sound 
>>>> reasonable,
>>>> but changing the main JSON format seems like a rather bad idea as it will
>>>> just break all clients. While the scenario is a little different, I’d like 
>>>> to
>>>> avoid a Python 3 kind of situation (I think CouchDB 2.0 has more to offer 
>>>> over
>>>> 1.0 than Python 3 had over 2, but still, there is no need to make this 
>>>> harder
>>>> for our users, if we don’t have to).
>>>> That said, we likely want to evolve the API at some point and I think we 
>>>> should
>>>> nail down a strategy on *how* to do that, before getting into the details 
>>>> of
>>>> what should change.
>>>> One option, and I haven’t thought this through, would be to use separate 
>>>> ports
>>>> for a new API endpoint that we can evolve while keeping the current one. 
>>>> And
>>>> we can do the deprecation and switch dance some time in the future. We 
>>>> could
>>>> even try multiple competing APIs, even non HTTP APIs (all things, I’d love 
>>>> to
>>>> see, so we can learn from them). Of course there is a certain overhead in
>>>> maintaining this all, and I don’t know if there are any roadblocks in the 
>>>> way
>>>> BigCouch works today for implementing this.
>>>> Best
>>>> Jan
>>>> --
>>>> On 17 Jul 2014, at 21:03 , Russell Branca <chewbra...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>> I would also love to see _rev renamed, and I think it's a good
>>>>> opportunity to flip around all the meta info as well. I'm still
>>>>> partial to moving the relevant metadata into the headers, and no
>>>>> longer including any _* fields in the doc, but I know there are
>>>>> proponents on both sides of the coin there. The most recent proposal I
>>>>> could find is to move all the metadata into a '_' field [1]. In 2.0 I
>>>>> would like to see us move all metadata into headers or into the '_'
>>>>> field, and rename 'rev'. There's a lot of code overlap for the two so
>>>>> it seems like an opportune time to do it.
>>>>> I wonder if it's reasonable to make the use of a '_' field or exposed
>>>>> through headers configurable. I'm not sure it's a great idea to do so,
>>>>> but it's at least worth thinking about.
>>>>> Exposing conflicts by default is another thing I'm keen on. The
>>>>> question is how to make it "fail" loudly so that client libraries
>>>>> don't just think it's the document body. An aggressive approach send a
>>>>> list of conflict revs rather than a doc object which will break all
>>>>> existing parsers and require users to deal with. Then if you want a
>>>>> particular rev, you'll need to specify it in the request.
>>>>> We could also cleanup the API endpoints to make them more RESTful. IMO
>>>>> things like _all_dbs and _all_docs should be the top level endpoints
>>>>> and the current info endpoints moved to _info or some such.
>>>>> Along the lines of API cleanup is the capabilities engine. I think
>>>>> this would be a great thing to land, and if done properly could be a
>>>>> self defining REST endpoint showing all the things the server is
>>>>> capable of and how to reach them.
>>>>> -Russell
>>>>> [1] 
>>>>> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/couchdb-dev/201312.mbox/%3c529de44c.4090...@bigbluehat.com%3E
>>>>> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 2:14 AM, Robert Samuel Newson
>>>>> <rnew...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Great point, +1 to just making that change on master right now.
>>>>>> B.
>>>>>> On 16 Jul 2014, at 22:35, Robert Kowalski <r...@kowalski.gd> wrote:
>>>>>>> I would like to see 'JSONP responses should be sent with a
>>>>>>> "application/javascript"' (https://github.com/apache/couchdb/pull/236)
>>>>>>> beside the two merges in the 2.0 release - it is a small, but breaking
>>>>>>> change and the original issue is flying around in Jira for years.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Robert
>>>>>>> 2014-07-13 22:17 GMT+02:00 Robert Samuel Newson <rnew...@apache.org>:
>>>>>>>> Since we follow semantic versioning, the only meaning behind naming our
>>>>>>>> next release 2.0 and not 1.7 is that it contains backwards incompatible
>>>>>>>> changes.
>>>>>>>> It’s for the CouchDB community as a whole to determine what is and 
>>>>>>>> isn’t
>>>>>>>> in a release. Certainly merging in bigcouch and rcouch are a huge part 
>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> the 2.0 release, but they aren’t necessarily the only things. If they
>>>>>>>> hadn’t changed the API in incompatible ways, they wouldn’t cause a 
>>>>>>>> major
>>>>>>>> version bump.
>>>>>>>> With that said then, I’m interested in hearing what else, besides the 
>>>>>>>> two
>>>>>>>> merges, we feel we want to take on in our first major revision bump in
>>>>>>>> approximately forever? At minimum, I would like to see a change that 
>>>>>>>> allows
>>>>>>>> us to use versions of spidermonkey released after 1.8.5, whatever that
>>>>>>>> change might be.
>>>>>>>> B.
>>>>>>>> On 13 Jul 2014, at 20:31, Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Improving the view server protocol is a great idea, but it is 
>>>>>>>>> appropriate
>>>>>>>>> for a 2.0 timeframe? I would think it would make more sense in a 3.0
>>>>>>>>> timeframe, given 2.0 is all about merging forks, not writing new 
>>>>>>>>> features
>>>>>>>>> entirely from scratch.
>>>>>>>>> -Joan
>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>> From: "Robert Samuel Newson" <rnew...@apache.org>
>>>>>>>>> To: dev@couchdb.apache.org
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2014 8:52:40 AM
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: CouchDB 2.0: breaking the backward compatibility
>>>>>>>>> Adding mvcc for _security is a great idea (happily, Cloudant have done
>>>>>>>> so very recently, so I will be pulling that work over soon).
>>>>>>>>> A better view server protocol is also a great idea.
>>>>>>>>> On 13 Jul 2014, at 13:13, Samuel Williams <
>>>>>>>> space.ship.travel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 13/07/14 23:47, Alexander Shorin wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Our view server is compiles functions on each view index update
>>>>>>>>>>> instead of reusing inner cache. This is because of out-dated 
>>>>>>>>>>> protocol:
>>>>>>>>>>> others design function are works differently from views. While it's
>>>>>>>>>>> good to change and improve query server protocol completely, this 
>>>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>>>> requires more time to be done. We should have a least plan B to do
>>>>>>>>>>> small steps in good direction.
>>>>>>>>>> As already suggested, here is my proposal for 2.0 view/query server:
>>>>>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JtfvCpNB9pRQyLhS5KkkEdJ-ghSCv89xnw5HDMTCsp8/edit
>>>>>>>>>> I welcome people to suggest improvements/changes/ideas.
>>>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Samuel

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