On 18 July 2014 22:16, Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> wrote:

>> Further, use of these bylaws, or especially any loopholes or imprecise
>> language therein, as a weapon against others acting in good faith is
>> neither within the spirit of the bylaws themselves nor considered
>> acceptable behaviour - and will be dealt with accordingly by the PMC.
> ^-- this paragraph might be worth adding to the bylaws.

This "weapon" language really concerns me. Can we reframe it please.

The bylaws, and the code of conduct, are there to enforce certain
standards of behaviour. And the people who are negatively impacted by
that behaviour ought to feel like they can apply these documents to
rectify bad situations.

By putting such frame-biased verbiage in the documents up front, I
believe we may be robbing them of their potential effectiveness. If I
felt marginalised or otherwise put upon by something going on in the
project, and I read that para, what I would take away from it is "do
not disturb the project, these bylaws are not for your use."

If we want to add a clarification to our official docs, I would
suggest we add a single sentence to them stating that we expect people
to act in good faith. Something like that. Nice and simple. We expect
everyone on the project to act in good faith at all times anyway. So
I'm not sure we need specific stipulations here.

Noah Slater

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