On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 12:06 PM, Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 19 Jul 2014, at 10:46 , Benoit Chesneau <bchesn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 6:23 AM, Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org> wrote:
> >> After discussion with Noah Slater today, and as discussed in the CouchDB
> >> IRC meeting today, I will be driving the bylaws and CoC through to votes
> >> and formal adoption.
> >>
> >> Based on unaddressed comments in the previous mailing list discussion, I
> >> have updated the proposed bylaws text. Those updates are here:
> >>
> >>
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=40511017
> >
> >
> > Where is the short version? Are people really expecting that other
> > will want to contribute to the project if they have to read this long,
> > very procedural document, with a matrix i can barely read except if i
> > put my browser in full screen?
> As far as I understand Joan, the short version is the bold sentences
> throughout the page.
> “**If this is your first time through this document, read this
> introduction,
> then all the bolded text for a summary of the bylaws.**”
> > I am not saying we should not have a detailed description somewhere of
> > the procedures (which already exist in the apache website and could be
> > linked), but  these "bylaws" are not very engaging neither friendly.
> > I don't think I am welcomed if i had to read that stuff just to
> > interact with the project.
> The bylaws are by definition a specialisation of the guidelines the ASF
> gives us. We have been discussing this specific point, I don’t understand
> why it is raised again.
> > Compare with
> >
> > http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/
> > and http://community.ubuntu.com/community-structure/
> >
> > Imo the "bylaws" should be replaced by something in this vein. Ie a
> > document engaging the community to contribute and say what are means,
> > describe some procedures. Not a thing looking like rules of procedure.
> These serve a different purpose. We can totally have a separate
> introduction
> document “How to contribute to Apache CouchDB” as well, and we should, but
> that is separate from the bylaws.
> what are the purpose of this bylaws if it's not a set of rules for the

>  > I think this a point that people should consider  when they will vote
> > on the current proposal. Friendliness and simplicity are true key
> > points when it's about collaboration.
> >
> > About the current document I have a  couple of remarks:
> >
> > - Lazy concensus definition should be more precise. A definition like:
> > "When you are convinced that you know what the community would like to
> > see happen, you can simply assume that you already have consensus and
> > get on with the work. We call this lazy consensus. You don't have to
> > insist that people discuss or approve your plan, and you certainly
> > don't need to call a vote. Just assume your plan is okay unless
> > someone says otherwise." . What is a consensus?
> Consensus is agreement, added that in parenthesis.

> > - Votes. These are very binary votes. 0, 1 and the negatives but we
> > miss the fractions. Like defined there:
> >
> http://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html#expressing-votes-1-0-1-and-fractions
> >
> > It should be added imo.
> This is addressed: “Occasionally people choose to vote with larger amounts
> to indicate
> strong feelings, or in fractional amounts to convey support or
> disagreement without the
> full weight of a +1 or -1 vote.”
> I’m in favour of the simplified list of votes, for the same simplicity
> reasons you
> state above :)

> > - there should be a reference to the code of conduct in Discussion so
> > people knows what the rules the conduct.
> Are you referring to this section from the PMC explanation? “This includes
> strict
> hat wearing, equitable decision making, and exemplary conduct.”

No, just adding that discussion should be done following the code of

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