To detail this better... I mean something to let app devs the chance to
produce these kind of views and rewriting rules:

a view emitting such these keys:
[["bob",...], ...]
[["bob",...], ...]
[["alice",...], ...]
[["alice",...], ...]

or also

[["manager",...], ...]
[["manager",...], ...]
[["author",...], ...]
[["author",...], ...]

where "bob" and "alice" are user docs in the db, while "manager" and
"author" are roles

and to define rewriting rules like the following:

    "from" : "/userdocs",
    "to" : "_view/userdocs",
    "query": {
       "startkey": [
       "endkey": [
       "descending": "true",
       "include_docs": "true"


    "from" : "/roledocs",
    "to" : "_view/roledocs",
    "query": {
       "startkey": [
       "endkey": [
       "descending": "true",
       "include_docs": "true"

where every "" and ":userCtx.roles[*]" are rewritten by the
_rewrite engine, or better woudl be overwritten to prevent users from
providing their own values as query string parameters.

Benefits could be:
- security at view-level (withouth touching the view engine?!), so app devs
won't have to learn a new way of writing views
- performance?! Is a view only approach effectively faster than view/list?

2015-05-08 18:21 GMT+02:00 Giovanni Lenzi <>:

> Hi everyone,
> I would like to write down some ideas I had, because there is high
> probability I'm going to forgot them soon :)
> This idea targets a way to implement server-side security by using views
> only, instead of view+list. If possible, It may open up a wide range of new
> possibilities for app devs.
> Given that views know nothing about userCtx, is it possible to enhance the
> _rewrite engine to create/overwrite a reserved dynamic variable, named
> ":userCtxName" with the value of This variable could then be
> effectively used within the "to" or "query" rewriting rule attributes, as
> example, to perform read ACL at view level directly.
> More generally the question is: can _rewrite engine be improved to include
> userCtx concepts? Which could be the drawbacks?
> Ok, ideas finished. I won't bother you anymore. :)
> --
> Giovanni Lenzi
> Smileupps Cloud App Store

Giovanni Lenzi
Smileupps Cloud App Store

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