On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 8:58 PM, Ilya Khlopotov <iil...@ca.ibm.com> wrote:

> >  Is there a way to publish an Erlang module for downstream users
> independently of git? If yes, we could move back to a single-git-tree
> model for
> CouchDB, but we can still release parts as independent modules. I know
> there have
> been a few attempts at Erlang package managers, but has anything taken off?
> There is https://hex.pm/. It is for erlang and elixir based projects and
> has 917 packages currently.
> However for whatever reason erlang community wants to implement their own
> and failed so far.

Surely there is a system which people know, which works, and which is quite
easy: Release tarballs of source code. This worked for most of the history
of the free software community.

Release tarballs satisfy both of Jan's requirements:

1. Separate code into different modules.
2. Make a module available to downstream users.

The only thing I see missing (perhaps implicit in Jan's idea) is automatic
dependency chasing. With tarballs, it is only a matter of reading the
release notes and following up to download more packages. In the case of
CouchDB, I do not think our dependency tree is very deep; so that might not
be so bad.

(Tarballs strike me as more or less equivalent to Git tags, it's just a
different file transfer protocol, really.)

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