> On 14 Mar 2016, at 16:22, Dale Harvey <d...@arandomurl.com> wrote:
> I would really like to give users better abilities to handle conflict
> resolution, I am however extremely worried about considering to introduce
> another API endpoint. We have like 6/7 read API's each of them having their
> own idiosyncrasies and its extremely confusing for users to know which to
> use when.
> If we could extend our existing APIs to cater for this use case it seems
> hugely preferable, ie something like mango / pouchdb find
> db.find({
>  selector: {
>    _conflicts: {'$exists`: true}
>  }
> }).then(function (result) {
>  ...
> });

Great input Dale!

Let’s split this into two issues then:

A. how do we get the information.
B. how do we present it to users.

As for B., the thought process went like this:

1. _all_docs + Erlang filter.

As Robert pointed out, that’s a no-go for large databases.

2. Add another index to the main database file like by-seq/by-id 

I pointed out that this will make all write operations slower, for everyone, 
not just for the people who want this. (A scenario where I wouldn’t want this 
is where CouchDB is the cloud-counterpart for one or more PouchDB instances, 
and conflict resolution only ever happens in PouchDB).

So I’d say this is a soft-no on adding this to the main database file, also 
given that we had similar discussions about adding another index to view files 

3. A view: Fauxton could hide creating a ddoc behind a button, and users could 
opt into this easily, while understanding the trade-offs.

Robert feels like tying this to Fauxton as opposed to CouchDB makes this 
approach useful for fewer people than it could (props for not being focussed on 
your own project there ;)

3.1. An optimisation of 3. would be making this an Erlang view, but that would 
come with the additional security concern of opening up Erlang views.

4. Given all of the above, how about this: a new CouchDB module 
(couch_conflicts) that is essentially an Erlang view for conflicts that is 
disabled by default, but when enabled uses the native query server to build an 
index that can give the list of conflicting documents (and the conflicting 
revisions?) *without* having to enable the native query server for everyone. 
The module can be enabled in the config (or admin PUT to the endpoint as other 
things in 2.0). We’d also build a basic keep-view-indexes-up-to-date that would 
trigger an update after, say, 1000 doc updates (we’d make that configurable of 
course), something which we’d want for other views as well anyway.

* * *

As for A., how we present this to the user I have no strong feelings about. We 
could make this part of Mango, like Dale suggested, or a new /db/_all_conflicts 
with its own idiosyncrasies or something else ;)

I just want to make sure make the right trade-offs on the storage/indexing 
level, and, while not making everyone pay for the overhead, make it really easy 
to opt into this feature. (Unless we all agree that the performance hit for 2. 
is worth it :)


> On 14 March 2016 at 14:07, Sebastian Rothbucher <
> sebastianrothbuc...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
>> this looks awesome already! I don't want to be the spoiler in this, but
>> wouldn't conflicts occur recently, e.g. using _changes (descending) might
>> do the trick of limit-ing? (Still you'd discard docs that simply don't have
>> conflicts, but probably way not that many)
>> If that doesn't do the trick: just forget what I just said ;-)
>> Best
>>    Sebastian
>> On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 2:58 PM, Robert Kowalski <r...@kowalski.gd> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> it is hackweek for the Fauxton team and I am lucky enough to be able
>>> to work on whatever I want :)
>>> Conflicts are an integral part of CouchDB. Right now I dream of making
>>> conflict-resolution a first class citizen in Couch. Conflict
>>> resolution requires a lot of manual steps. The idea is to give the
>>> user all the tools they need to easily solve conflicts, and also to
>>> help them to avoid conflicts in the future.
>>> To empower every user to detect and solve conflicts easily on their
>>> own, instead of writing some custom bash/js scripts and custom view
>>> hackery I would like to have a list of conflicts in Fauxton for every
>>> database.
>>> The list, provided by Couch, shows which documents have conflicts. I
>>> can then click on the conflicting doc and get a nice diffing editor
>>> which helps me to solve the conflict. Here's an early draft: [1]
>>> Discussing the matter in couchdb-dev we thought about serverside
>>> filtering of _all_docs - which is a problem for large databases.
>>> Another option is a new endpoint, e.g. /db/_all_conflicts. Behind this
>>> endpoint is an index which is listing the conflicting documents.
>>> Jan and Alex suggested the index could be opt-in. They suggested an
>>> "auto-warmer" - it would update the index every 1000 doc updates or
>>> so. This way not every doc write would get slower. In later iteration
>>> we could even expose the "auto-warming" feature to other views.
>>> Do you want to join me on my quest to provide the best conflict
>>> resolution tools and education?
>>> What do you think about it?
>>> Best,
>>> Robert :)
>>> [1]
>> https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/298166/13741539/c4ecf6d0-e9ce-11e5-84c5-502b0989c290.png

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