Respectfully, no. 

What you propose is huge and will take considerable time to design. 2.0 is two 
years late already.

We're all for encouraging interoperability but we'll have to address it in a 
later release. 

> On 18 Apr 2016, at 21:23, Michael Fair <> wrote:
> Before RC1 gets locked in; would anyone be opposed to adding replicating
> with non-erlang based datastores; (I'm thinking java (android/desktops),
> c#, python, c, objective-c (ios)  - not that language matters at all) be a
> named feature for the 2.0 series?
> Specifically this wouldn't mean writing any code to directly support other
> databases; just a friendly and minimal supportive effort to make it easyish
> for others to do.
> Specifially, I see this meaning one of two things:
> 1) The replication system url supports an optional parameter for "method"
> (and url parameters for those respective methods) or supports a plugin
> system that uses alternate replication urls so other people can
> bootstrap/test new replication protocols;
> Or (and?)
> 2) changing how mismatched revIds from a replication are processed to
> include a simple "is this really a conflict?" secondary test.
> 1)
> A new experimental replication plugin feature could also be used in other
> ways; like leveraging a binary encoded format for transmission (like
> erlang's native binary encoding).  Or letting a large infrastructure
> customize their replication (perhaps even going so far as using shared
> storage/direct SAN APIs to copy blocks around directly on the storage
> system); or perhaps dealing with as specialized subset of json docs
> specific to their use case/requirements (like add'l logging or encryption
> methods?)
> If these plugins were something people were told they should try out, I
> think they would.  And it's a way people make a difference/contribute by
> allowing the plugins to be loaded without affecting the core project.
> And 2)
> Unless I missed something, simply doing a secondary test to see if a
> proposed conflicting document actually has different content and merging
> them when they are the same would eliminate the need for different systems
> to generate the same revision id (eliminating the need for any system to
> need to use the revision id calc of another system).
> All Couch compatible systems would freely replicate without conflict issues
> due to revision id.  (if you want more efficient replication; use a plugin
> for your database (see #1 above)).
> I don't know what it takes to add a plugin system / URL for replicating;
> but assuming it's relatively basic based on what's already in place, I see
> it makes a lot of sense to do both of these.
> Thanks,
> Mike
>> On Apr 18, 2016 1:58 AM, "Jan Lehnardt" <> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> we are getting close to 2.0. In the list of blockers, there are only two
>> issues left that aren’t docs, that we’ll need some concerted help with:
>> If anyone as any spare cycles looking at any of these this week, that’d be
>> most appreciated.
>> My plan is to release a CouchDB 2.0.0 RC1 when the two issues above are
>> resolved*. We can do the blocking docs issues, Windows and Mac builds etc.
>> during the RC timeframe.
>> * although, if it turns out that the fix(es) to these will take a lot of
>> time, I’d be okay with a RC1 that lists these two as “known issues”, but
>> I’d prefer to get them closed out first.
>> Best
>> Jan
>> --

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