I have a bug we are recently running into.

Our CI system for Fauxton uses fresh builds of 2.0. We _sometimes_ get
a 503 error from Couch when we try to create our test database. We
boot Couch and wait 30 seconds, raising to 120 seconds did not help.

Example build: https://travis-ci.org/robertkowalski/couchdb-fauxton#L4039

It looks like the 503 comes from:

The 503 error stays for the whole 30min our testsuite runs, so giving
it more time after boot probably also wouldn't help.

Our setup for travis is quite standard, we get the Couch master, build
it, and run ./dev/run, see

On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 9:54 AM, Michael Fair <mich...@daclubhouse.net> wrote:
>> blockers, not new work. And, yes, I still believe you are proposing
>> something major, with ramifications that require real thought.
> Thanks guys :)
> Mike

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