Incredible work Joan :)

Literally changed the course of OSS!


On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 9:22 PM Joan Touzet <> wrote:

> So the good news is that Facebook have decided to relicense React
> to the MIT license as of v16. This gets us out of having to completely
> replace React in our code base.
> Our other two main dependencies that were un-usefully licensed were Flux
> and react-addons-transitions and velocity, which we've already replaced
> with a simple function call, and react-motion.
> Garren (or any other Fauxton dev), how much work needs to be backed out
> of Fauxton at this point, if any?
> I highly recommend we strike a 2.1.1 release with the new version of
> Fauxton, an updated LICENSES file, and the minor fixes that have landed
> since then. The release process is a lot simpler now, and I'm keen to
> get our release cadence up.
> We'll need to make a decision on couch_peruser, which seems very broken
> right now. If we can fix it quickly, great; if not, we should re-remove
> it from the release. This impacts a small but significant number of our
> userbase.
> couch_peruser PR [WIP]:
> -Joan

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