> On Nov 17, 2021, at 12:22 AM, Joan Touzet <jo...@jsent.ca> wrote:
>>> Do we really think these apps are going to have a lot of churn and need a 
>>> lot of releases?
>> I could see `erlfdb` needing a regular release cadence, but I’m willing to 
>> see what can be done to comply with the ASF regulations in a semi-automated 
>> way. The other repos we’ve been discussing are somewhat more stable, 
>> although part of the motivation for publishing packages is to drive more 
>> interest in them and that could lead to more releases.
>> Tangentially-related question for you: one of the CI jobs for erlfdb is 
>> using a container image built from this Dockerfile:
>> https://github.com/apache/couchdb-erlfdb/blob/main/.devcontainer/Dockerfile
>> Should I publish that image as a tag in apache/couchdbci-debian, even though 
>> it’s basically a completely different build than the other images in there? 
>> Creating a whole new e.g. apache/erlfdbci repo for it seems like overkill, 
>> but I’m curious to hear your thoughts. Would something like this work?
>>      apache/couchdbci-debian:erlfdb-erlang-24.1.4-fdb-6.3.18
> I guess you can't merge it with the other images directly?
> No objection to using the tagging approach you outline above, of course.
> But looking at other image names in the apache Docker Hub org, I think
> Infra would readily approve another name if you need it.
> -Joan

I think maybe I could use those existing images? I vaguely recall when I was 
first building a .devcontainer configuration for CouchDB I tried to start from 
the images in couchdbdev and ran into an issue I couldn’t sort out. I think it 
had something to do with the interaction with the erlang_ls plugin for VS Code. 
But I could take another pass at that at some point. There are a couple of 
notable differences in the erlfdb image:

- FDB server is not installed, instead CI configures FDB to run alongside in a 
service container
- Image contains a shallow clone of the FDB source code since that’s where the 
binding tests are defined
- No extra CouchDB dependencies, e.g. Node, Elixir, SpiderMonkey … probably 
leads to faster build times

I do quite like the idea that the .devcontainer and the CI image used for that 
part of the erlfdb test suite are identical, it just cuts off a whole branch of 
debugging questions. I’ll go ahead and use a tag like the one above for now, 
and if erlfdb or other Erlang apps start proliferating we can see about another 
Docker repository. Thanks,


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