
today I hacked manually the missing unresolved symbols for sm 60 in and
compiled the icu lib by myself. So I was able to create the
couchdb v3.2.1 executable and the installer.

Side note: running the tests wasn't successful!

I can run .\dev\run.cmd or the installed version. If I click on "Verify
Installation" I get the following error messages, see

Jan and I running out of the origin of the problem...

Cheers, Ronny

Florian Beckert & Ronny Berndt GbR
Saalstr. 3
07743 Jena

Tel.    03641 - 6391110
Fax.    03641 - 219637
E-Mail: p...@kioskkinder.com

Am Mi., 17. Nov. 2021 um 23:13 Uhr schrieb Will Young <

> Hi,
>   Are you sure these PS shells are running from the glazier
> bin/shell1.ps usually referred to as the same powershell in the docs?
>    Looking at the pastebin it looks like libicu is being passed to the
> windows linker in UNIX proper style so it is being ignored, so the
> pkg-config setup didn't really change that all the icu symbols are
> going to be missing. In the later make for couch with the copied mozjs
> binaries, it also looks like the vcpkg paths are not in the linker's
> "LIBPATH" and so it makes sense that the missing symbols are again
> from libraries being added there.
> I don't think you need to add pkg-conf (or don't want to give it a
> real configuration), rather glazier's bin/shell.ps1 launched by or
> after the bin/install_dependencies.ps1 has all the necessary path
> settings. (AFAIK windows does some dll's search voodoo so only having
> the paths is important and explicit -llibname like options simply
> aren't used.)
> I've not really tried glazier and don't actually have windows locally,
> I am just using it as a guide for wsl in github actions, so my
> apologies if I'm way off on how it works..
>   Will Young

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