In your browser, it should be your local time!? It shows me 15h, 16h and 17h… 
Is this correct?

Best, Ronny

> Am 21.07.2022 um 17:54 schrieb Jan Lehnardt <>:
> Hi Deni,
> I’m glad you’re on board. All times are UTC, apologies for the missing info!
> Best
> Jan
> —
>> On 21. Jul 2022, at 17:34, Denitsa Burroughs <> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Jan,
>> That's a fantastic idea. Thank you for reviving the meet-ups. I hope we can
>> establish a monthly cadence. Quick question: what TZ are the times in the
>> poll listed in?
>> Thanks,
>> Deni
>> On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 12:24 PM Jan Lehnardt <> wrote:
>>> Hello everybody,
>>> In the past we’ve done two in-person developer summits with great success,
>>> both from a team-building but also from a technical discussion point of
>>> view. But these were ~1/2 a decade a part and took quite a bit to organise.
>>> Given that meeting in-person continues to to be a pain and given that we
>>> all learned how to do video calls in the past few years, I’d like to
>>> propose a recurring synchronous meeting where we can discuss CouchDB’s
>>> development in a different format than we do at the moment.
>>> There are a number of high-level features that we’d need larger input on
>>> but that are have enough moving parts that it would make sense to discuss
>>> face to face (via video/audio chat).
>>> In detail:
>>> - we run a monthly video/audio meeting of ~90 minute length where we can
>>> hash out CouchDB development topics
>>> - in the beginning, I’d like to dedicate each meeting to a single topic,
>>> just so we don’t get distracted too much (I have a short-list of proposals
>>> for topics, but that’s for a later day, I’m sure we all do :), maybe a
>>> topic needs multiple meetings, maybe we have time for two topics per
>>> meeting, but let’s be clear and limited on the agenda, so everybody can
>>> prepare with minimal effort
>>> - each topic discussed will have a reasonably complete written proposal
>>> that folks can read through in preparation
>>> - if any one can’t make any particular meeting, no problem, there is no
>>> mandatory attendance, and we are not making any project binding decisions
>>> in those meetings
>>> - ideally, we keep decent notes so that folks can catch up, and maybe we
>>> can do a recording of it all for posterity
>>> My suggestion would be that pick a date and time in the somewhat near
>>> future and then stick to that date and time on a monthly basis.
>>> Since it is (northern hemisphere) summer, it is possible that you, dear
>>> reader, won’t be able to attend the inaugural edition, just select
>>> something that works from the next iteration onwards.
>>> I put up a date and time selection poll, it is aiming for late-EU and
>>> early US-West compatibility since I expect that’s where most of the folks
>>> are going to be:
>>> I’m looking forward to seeing you all :)
>>> Best
>>> Jan
>>> —

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