This awesome news.  Yes we'll be happy to try out the fix.
Thanks again,


From: Lu, Chris (NIH/NLM/LHC) [C] [mailto:c...@mail.nih.gov]
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 2:54 PM
To: Chen, Pei
Cc: Browne, Allen (NIH/NLM/LHC) [E]; Lu, Chris (NIH/NLM/LHC) [C]
Subject: RE: LVG Thread Safety

Hi Pei,

How are you doing?

We have evaluated your request regarding to the thread safety issue on the 
SPECIALIST Lexical Tools. Bellows are the summary. Please let us know if you 
have any suggestions, comments, or questions. This SCR is a major source code 
change and, if you like, we will send you a nightly built version of lvg.2015 
(using lvg.2014 data) in July so you can try it before the official NLM 
internal release of lvg.2015 is released (in Oct.). Please let us know, Thank 

1). Static variables
=> Thank you (and Kim) to point out this issue. Here are how we plan to modify 
"static variables" in the Java codes:
1-a). Change static variables to final static variables (if applicable)
1-b). Change static variables to local variables (if applicable)
1-c). Keep "static String fieldSeparator_" in Lib.GlobalBehavior.java and use 
"synchronized" for the associated static methods.

ð  There will be too many changes for Flows APIs if we decided to change it to 
local variable.
1-d). Keep the rest of static variables under GuiTool

ð  Assuming users do not use GuiTool (lgt) under multi-thread environment.
There are 88 files need to be modified for this software change request.

2) Standardize Java package namespace convention on lvg API:
=> There were legacy reasons that all Lvg Java codes under directory of Tools 
do not use the standard Java package convention. However, we are happy to make 
the change for your requests.
There are 11 Java files of command line tools and 43 Java files of GUI tool 
need to be modified.

Hope this helps. Thank you!
Best Regards

-          Chris

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