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On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Chen, Pei <>

> +dev@
> Chris,
> This awesome news.  Yes we'll be happy to try out the fix.
> Thanks again,
> Pei
> From: Lu, Chris (NIH/NLM/LHC) [C] []
> Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 2:54 PM
> To: Chen, Pei
> Cc: Browne, Allen (NIH/NLM/LHC) [E]; Lu, Chris (NIH/NLM/LHC) [C]
> Subject: RE: LVG Thread Safety
> Hi Pei,
> How are you doing?
> We have evaluated your request regarding to the thread safety issue on the 
> SPECIALIST Lexical Tools. Bellows are the summary. Please let us know if you 
> have any suggestions, comments, or questions. This SCR is a major source code 
> change and, if you like, we will send you a nightly built version of lvg.2015 
> (using lvg.2014 data) in July so you can try it before the official NLM 
> internal release of lvg.2015 is released (in Oct.). Please let us know, Thank 
> you!
> 1). Static variables
> => Thank you (and Kim) to point out this issue. Here are how we plan to 
> modify "static variables" in the Java codes:
> 1-a). Change static variables to final static variables (if applicable)
> 1-b). Change static variables to local variables (if applicable)
> 1-c). Keep "static String fieldSeparator_" in and use 
> "synchronized" for the associated static methods.
> ð  There will be too many changes for Flows APIs if we decided to change it 
> to local variable.
> 1-d). Keep the rest of static variables under GuiTool
> ð  Assuming users do not use GuiTool (lgt) under multi-thread environment.
> There are 88 files need to be modified for this software change request.
> 2) Standardize Java package namespace convention on lvg API:
> => There were legacy reasons that all Lvg Java codes under directory of Tools 
> do not use the standard Java package convention. However, we are happy to 
> make the change for your requests.
> There are 11 Java files of command line tools and 43 Java files of GUI tool 
> need to be modified.
> Hope this helps. Thank you!
> Best Regards
> -          Chris

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