Looks like someone fixed that as part of a different issue:

-----Original Message-----
From: "Finan, Sean" 
Reply-to: <dev@ctakes.apache.org>
To: dev@ctakes.apache.org 
Subject: Re: AggregateCdaUmlsprocessor only annotates last section of CDA 
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2019 16:05:21 +0000

Hi Sana,

This might be related to


If anybody has time to test and approve the patch attached to that tar please 
let me know so that it can be checked in.

From: Sana Riaz 
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2019 5:33 AM
To: dev@ctakes.apache.org<mailto:dev@ctakes.apache.org>
Subject: AggregateCdaUmlsprocessor only annotates last section of CDA document 

I am trying to process CDA documents with AggregateCdaUMLSProcessor.xml
descriptor (clinical-pipeline). The cda document includes sections like
problems, medications, allergies, tests etc. In the plain_view, all these
section are visible in CVD but all the annotations extracted by
AggregateCdaUMLSProcessor are only on last section. i.e. there's no
annotation on the medications or problems.

I've looked into CdaCasInitializer output , and it only passes one segment
(the last one) so all the other annotators only process on that. In
addition to that, every section's id (including last) is assigned null as
[start section id="null"]
[end section id="null"]

Do i have to assign section id's myself? Any suggestion would be very

Warm Regards,

Sana Riaz

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