I have seen this with SentenceDetectorAnnotatorBIO.xml annotator, but with the 
one you describe, I thought it had a hard-coded rule to break on newlines and 
split them into sentences. Do you have any log files that you can copy/paste 
the initialization lines so we can verify which sentence segmenter you're 

From: Joseph Erfani <>
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2019 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: Looking for cTakes deployment strategies [EXTERNAL]

Hello everyone,
I have a question regarding the cTakes sentence detector. I am using
the "SentenceDetectorAnnotator.xml"
analysis engine located in the ctakes-core for sentence boundary detection.
It seems that the sentence boundary engine is not able to find the sentence
boundary, when a sentence is finished with a carriage return instead of a
period or several spaces.
e.g. the note
"He is a smoker
He has hypertension"

all the text is considered as one sentence, while there is a carriage
return after the word 'smoker' (at the end of the first sentence).
Have you encountered similar problem or do  you  have any suggestion for

Thank you

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 10:47 AM Anusha Balasubramaniam <> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I am looking for a strategy to use cTakes to asynchronously process
> thousands of clinical notes by listening to a queue on AWS and maintaining
> a hot process with all the dictionaries loaded in memory. So far I've had
> some success using the REST server wrapper I found here:
>  but it's still a
> synchronous call, which I found hard to scale.
> Are there any other wrappers out there that could be used to enable cTakes
> to listen to a port for input? Can anyone share some strategies they used
> to implement cTakes on AWS to achieve similar requirements?
> Thanks and Regards,
> Anusha

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