Does the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xml/serializer/TreeWalker relates to change of updating to using xalan 2.7.1 ?

Daniel Kulp wrote:

Thanks for volunteering to do this.   That's great.

I think it would be good to do 2.0.9 late this week and probably 2.1.3 middle of next week. (need to do 2.0.x first due to an "issue" with the maven stage plugin which will update the "latest" tag in the metadata with 2.0.9 so 2.0.9 would get picked up instead of 2.1.2. Thus, we would want 2.1.3 shortly thereafter to restore a 2.1.x version as latest).

I have a couple of fixes I'm going to try and get in to 2.1.x this week. We also should update to bouncycastle 140 and xalan 2.7.1 for both 2.1.3 and 2.0.9. With those versions, we can actually distribute bouncycastle and thus ws-security can work "out of the box" and not require downloading additional jars.


On Thursday 02 October 2008, Willem Jiang wrote:
Hi Dan,

I'd like to take charge of this CXF release.
Since you and me met a year before, I will send you my key for signing



On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 12:49 AM, Daniel Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
We're rappidly approaching time to do the 2.0.9 and 2.1.3 releases.
It's been about 10 week since 2.0.9 and 7 weeks since 2.1.2.   We
have 33 issues resolved for 2.0.9, and 38 for 2.1.3.   Thus, we
probably should consider doing some releases shortly.

HOWEVER, my hard drive crashed this week and part of recovering from
that, I kind of realized that someone else really should try doing a
release to make sure the knowledge is spread out a bit and isn't all
bottled up in my head.    Thus, I'd like to ask for volunteers for
doing the releases.   If no one jumps up, I'll be happy to do it,
but it would definitely be good to get someone else involved.

1) The release process is MUCH easier and more reliable on a Linux
or OSX box.   Things like gpg and ssh/scp "just work".  If someone
want to try Windows, I'm not sure how much I can help.

2) gpg installed and a gpg key generated and available in the public
key servers.   Ideally, it would be signed by other apache folks,
but that's not a requirment.  Anyone near Boston, we could meet for
lunch and sign keys if you want.

3) Time - before building the release, you need a few hours to
review release notes, notice/license files, rat reports, etc.... Post release, there is syncing to the maven repo, updating
confluence, some JIRA admin things, etc....   Basically, a few hours
ahead of the build, an hour to build, three days for the vote, and a
few hours afterword.

Anyway, if anyone is interested, speak up.  I'd be happy to look
over your virtual shoulder while you do the stuff to make sure it's
all done right.   Not a problem.


J. Daniel Kulp

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