Some of you may be aware that the Maven team (actually Sonatype) has installed 
Nexus repository manager onto a zone at    Thus, 
projects are now being given the option to use the Nexus repository instead of 
the stuff on for things like snapshots and/or releases.

One main advantage is that it uses HTTPs for deploys.   No futzing with 
ssh/scp to get deploys working.   You need to put a setting or two in your 
settings.xml file for auth info, but that's it.  The deploys will just work.

From a release perspective, it also supports easy staging and promotion.   
When a release is deployed, it goes into a staging area automatically.   We 
then call the vote and if the vote passes, it's a push button promotion to 
deploy it to central.   Nexus handles all the metadata and such.   You don't 
need the maven-stage-plugin anymore.

Now for the downsides:
1) The https self signed cert they currently use requires some work to embed 
it into your jre keystore.   They've asked for a real cert, but haven't gotten 
it yet.

2) Requires a little user management to put all of use into the "cxf" group 
(if only Apache had ldap....), but Sonatype and the Maven PMC is willing to 
manage that.

3) User impact:  if we decide that snapshots should go to nexus (we could just 
do releases), users that use the snapshots would need to change their URL's to 
grab from the new URL.     The links on our wiki would need to change as well.  

4) Obviously, our release procedures wiki page would need major updating.

5) Learning curve: something new.   You can see the maven release docs:
for a kind of walkthrough of how it would work. (with screen shots!)

Anyway, I'd like to hear others thoughts.    It MOSTLY applies to myself and 
Willem as we're the only ones that have done releases.   However, the snapshot 
stuff applies to Benson and a couple others as well.  

Daniel Kulp

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