Just to close this off, I don't see any objections so by lazy consensus, I'll 
file a ticket with infra to get us switched to nexus.


On Wed July 1 2009 10:47:38 am Daniel Kulp wrote:
> OK.   With Maven 2.2.0 finally out, we should have a version of Maven that
> works with GPG plugin (and thus is usable for Apache releases) as well as
> provides functionality for encrypted passwords and such in settings.xml.
> Thus, I'd like to revisit this.
> Since our snapshots are already there, this really will just impact the
> release process, which mostly means it impacts me.   Obviously the
> instructions on the wiki for doing releases and such will need to be
> updated as well.
> Anyway, are there any objections?
> Dan
> On Thu February 19 2009 1:38:49 pm Daniel Kulp wrote:
> > Some of you may be aware that the Maven team (actually Sonatype) has
> > installed Nexus repository manager onto a zone at
> > http://repository.apache.org.    Thus, projects are now being given the
> > option to use the Nexus repository instead of the stuff on
> > people.apache.org for things like snapshots and/or releases.
> >
> > One main advantage is that it uses HTTPs for deploys.   No futzing with
> > ssh/scp to get deploys working.   You need to put a setting or two in
> > your settings.xml file for auth info, but that's it.  The deploys will
> > just work.
> >
> > From a release perspective, it also supports easy staging and promotion.
> > When a release is deployed, it goes into a staging area automatically.  
> > We then call the vote and if the vote passes, it's a push button
> > promotion to deploy it to central.   Nexus handles all the metadata and
> > such.   You don't need the maven-stage-plugin anymore.
> >
> >
> > Now for the downsides:
> > 1) The https self signed cert they currently use requires some work to
> > embed it into your jre keystore.   They've asked for a real cert, but
> > haven't gotten it yet.
> >
> > 2) Requires a little user management to put all of use into the "cxf"
> > group (if only Apache had ldap....), but Sonatype and the Maven PMC is
> > willing to manage that.
> >
> > 3) User impact:  if we decide that snapshots should go to nexus (we could
> > just do releases), users that use the snapshots would need to change
> > their URL's to grab from the new URL.     The links on our wiki would
> > need to change as well.
> >
> > 4) Obviously, our release procedures wiki page would need major updating.
> >
> > 5) Learning curve: something new.   You can see the maven release docs:
> > http://maven.apache.org/developers/release/releasing.html
> > for a kind of walkthrough of how it would work. (with screen shots!)
> >
> >
> > Anyway, I'd like to hear others thoughts.    It MOSTLY applies to myself
> > and Willem as we're the only ones that have done releases.   However, the
> > snapshot stuff applies to Benson and a couple others as well.

Daniel Kulp

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