
On Mon March 30 2009 9:25:23 am Eamonn Dwyer wrote:
> It looks like the use of the -p flag with wsdl2java has changed dor cxf
> 2.2. Now it reports
> "-p option cannot be used when wsdl contains mutiple schemas"
> for my wsdl, even though the wsdl compiles with version 2.1.4.

Hmm...  I thought that message went in for 2.1.4 as well.  I'm surprised it 
worked for 2.1.4.

Actually, that error message should change a bit.   -p CAN be used if you 
provide a unique package for each namespace:

-p http://blah.com=com.blah  -p http://foo.com=com.foo

> The wsdl in question does import other schema, so I reckon that this is
> causing the error to be reported. Is that correct?

If there are schemas in multiple namespaces, then it should report that issue.

> If this is the case, is it really valid to say I cannot specify a
> package name now when I import a schema. I can understand it when the
> schema is a 3rd party one, but what if I just have simply factored out
> some schema from the wsdl file? 

Basically, if you have multiple schemas, you NEED to specify a unique package 
name for each schema so the package-info.java and ObjectFactory.java for each 
schema is put in a unique location instead of overwriting itself.

Daniel Kulp

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