Hi Dan,
I'm taking this from Richard as he's busy with other things. I've just taken a look deep in details and I think CXF already provides us a mean of setting properties in the port (actually in the request context upon port creation). I've just tried leveraging the bus extensions in ServiceImpl and it seems to work:

bus.setExtension(new ServiceRefStubPropertyConfigurer(serviceRef), Configurer.class);


public class ServiceRefStubPropertyConfigurer implements Configurer
  public void configureBean(String name, Object beanInstance)
     if (beanInstance instanceof JaxWsProxyFactoryBean)
        ... //here we set the props in the jaxws proxy factory bean

The ServiceImpl gets the configurer from the bus after having created the jaxws proxy factory bean. Then my custom configurer sets the props in the JaxWSProxyFactoryBean which in turns copies them to the request context in method clientClientProxy(Client c), that is called when getting the port.

Now, here are my few questions:
- could this be considered a proper use of the Configurer? I've found just one implementation of this interface, for something related to spring configuration
- I see Configurer has two methods:
void configureBean(Object beanInstance);
void configureBean(String name, Object beanInstance);

I'd actually add another call for the configuration in ServiceImpl using the former (configureBean(Object beanInstance)) as technically speaking the latter seems to me to be used for configuring beans of a specific name and currently the ServiceImpl uses that for portName+".jaxws-client.proxyFactory" beans.

Let me know what do you think, considering you said this could be of use also for integrations issues besides JBossWS.

Daniel Kulp wrote:

Modifying the generated code is not a doable solution. That would tie them to CXF which would then violate the JAX-WS spec and TCK and such. Thus, that's not an option.

However, you could be on the right track. In our ServiceImpl, all the "getPort" calls forward into the protected "createPort" method (line 384 of ServiceImpl). We COULD put your call to the listener in there.

The better option would be to push it even furthur into CXF and put it into the JaxWsProxyFactoryBean/ClientProxyFactoryBean.create() call. That way, if they end up using the spring "jaxws:client" call or use the factories directly themselves, the listeners would be invoked as well.


On Wed June 3 2009 2:11:22 am Richard Opalka wrote:
Hi Daniel,

   Yes, I know about solution 1) you suggested. However I don't like it.
It's hacky and could cause a lot of troubles to our customers.
Thus I'd like to go the way to modify CXF code base.

   Before I'll write my suggestion let me clarify that we don't need to
wrap your ServiceDelegate. We just need to register properties
on the proxy and that can be achieved using listener approach.
So here are my thoughts how it could be achieved in another way (no

// CXF provides listener interface
package org.apache.cxf.jaxws;

public interface ServiceListener
   void onPortCreated(T proxy, Class<T> sei);
// JBossWS provides listener implementation
package org.jboss.wsf.stack.cxf.client;

public class ServiceListenerImpl implements ServiceListener
   public void onPortCreated(T proxy, Class<T> sei)
      // ... our integration code
// JBossWS somehow registers the listener
// finally replace the following code in
protected <T> T createPort(QName portName, EndpointReferenceType epr,
Class<T> serviceEndpointInterface, WebServiceFeature... features)
   // ...
   return serviceEndpointInterface.cast(obj);
// with the following code:
protected <T> T createPort(QName portName, EndpointReferenceType epr,
Class<T> serviceEndpointInterface, WebServiceFeature... features)
   // ...
   T proxy = serviceEndpointInterface.cast(obj);
   for (ServiceListener listener : listeners)
      listener.onPortCreated(proxy, serviceEndpointInterface);
   return proxy;

If you like this approach then let's disscuss how ad3) could be
achieved, i.e. how to register the listener on the service.



Daniel Kulp wrote:
Well, couple things spring to mind:

Option 1: requires no changes to CXF, but requires some classloader magic
on your side
Write your own javax.xml.ws.spi.Provider that probably subclasses ours
and overrides the method:
    public ServiceDelegate createServiceDelegate(URL url, QName qname,
                                             Class cls) {
        Bus bus = BusFactory.getThreadDefaultBus();
        return new ServiceImpl(bus, url, qname, cls);

In your case, return a subclass of our ServiceImpl the does your
additional stuff.   That way, any cast we may do to ServiceImpl would
still work (not sure if we do it anywhere, but just in case).  That way,
you won't really have an extra delegation layer. Just overrides. The TRICK is getting your provider to be used instead of ours. Thus,
you may need to make sure your
META-INF/services/javax.xml.ws.spi.Provider  file is picked up before our
(or use the system property to force yours).

Option 2: make changes to CXF.   Couple of ideas here.  One could be in
our createServiceDelegate method above, we do something like:

Provider p = bus.getExtension(Provider.class);
if (p != null) {
    return p.createServiceDelegate(....);
return new ServiceImpl(....);

or similar.   Thus, if a custom Provider is found on the Bus, we'll
delegate to it.   Heck, we could also put a static "Provider delegate;"
field on our ProviderImpl that you could set to your provider prior to
any calls.

Or, we could look for a property someplace for the name of the
"ServiceImpl" class to instantiate.   If set, use reflection to create
the ServiceImpl thing if set.

Anyway, those are my immediate thoughts.


On Mon May 25 2009 9:21:35 am Richard Opalka wrote:
Hi CXF Team,

   We've spent some time with CXF source code analysis but without
success. Related issue is: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-2521
We would like to remove one very ugly JBossWS CXF JAX-WS client proxy
integration hack related to service references (method


   We're registering our custom ServiceDelegate handler (via reflection)
in original proxy
and we delegate each call to CXF original service delegate there, with
one exception.
We're propagating service ref properties for every port creation before
from our custom service delegate (method propagateProps(T proxy,
Class<T> serviceEndpointInterface)),


   Could you guys, with excellent CXF architecture knowledge, give us
some hints how
to improve our JBossWS CXF JAX-WS client integration and remove
aforementioned ugly hack?

JBossWS Team

PS: We're looking forward for your suggestions ;)

Alessio Soldano
Web Service Lead, JBoss

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