After looking at the project I mentioned - here is the article here on their web site:
it seems that the similarities between that MS thesis and this project are a few. In the article they mention that "*Apache CFX .. *This is the closest one with this thesis project, yet some significant differences maybe found as we go through deep to compare" but they
don't really mention these diffs. So these are two separate projects.

Apache CXF DOSGi is the RFC 119 implementation. I remember reading about that RFC -
can someone tell me when the implementation in CXF begun?


Sergey Beryozkin wrote:

Have a look here please

cheers, Sergey

Demetris G wrote:
Hey Sergei and Josh

Is the DOSGi you are referring in the essay of an email below the Masters thesis I read once (and it became an open source branch of an apache project) or is this a separate design? We worked on a design calked p2pSOA the connected distributed OSGi containers over p2p technologies while exposing the endpt bundles as web services. So I am fairly interested in your discussion - I just want a quick clarification so I can position your work in my mind. Thanks

On Aug 21, 2009, at 12:28 PM, "Sergey Beryozkin" <> wrote:

Hi Josh

Can you please let me know if JAXB is being used for your JAX-RS endpoints ? I've spotted that for HTTP Service based JAX-RS endpoints no AegisProvider is being set - I'would actually like JAXB being used by default for JAXRS endpoints which will be consistent with the expectations of JAX-RS users in general - but I'd like to confirm first that JAXB is working ok in your case...

thanks, Sergey

Thanks again for the detailed documentation you've provided in this thread. I was able to easily convert from JAX-WS to JAX-RS, which (I think) will make our lives even easier. Once we've got the ability to expose a single
service with both of these frontends, I'll make use of that as well.

I agree that the jaxrs.resource property is no longer needed, as you can
simply register jaxrs resources as a dosgi services.


On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Sergey Beryozkin

I've applied your patch and I've completed the initial integration of
JAX-RS into DOSGi RI. As it often happens I underestimated a bit how
long it would take me to do it :-) but I'm quite happy now with what has
been done so far.

I haven't got a chance to write JAX-WS system tests yet - I was a bit constrained in time but judging from the code you did JAXWS/ databindings should be working nicely now - please feel free to add a system test, or
either of us will do it asap.

Now, the property names have actually changed and differ from those you
provided in the patch. As David noted, it was recommended that DOSGI
providers would use reverse domain names as prefixes to their custom
configuration types, such as 'pojo' in case of DOSGI RI. Furthermore, 'pojo' was a bit constraining in that it did not reflect the fact that say SOAP or RS services were supported. Additionally, the DOSGI way is

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