Hi Benson et. al.,

I tried running the D-OSGi in Equinox under J2ME CDC on a Nokia N800 but it failed (I downloaded and activated the single-bungle distro). So I have a feeling I will have the same luck running the CXF stack on that mobile. But I will give the WSDL2JS tool a shot as standalone and run it on a WSDL file that I can generate off the mobile either on a CXF or Axis enabled servers on a hoping that would work.
Before I do I am wondering the following -
I will have the client mobile generate the javascript code that I can execute via its browser to generate SOAP calls to the remote server mobile running a ksoap2 web service. My questions are, has anyone tried to invoke Axis or any other SOAP-server-engine services from a CXF client (let's say the client is executing the javascript generated from the server's WSDL)? Or do the SOAP messages generated by CXF is annotated in such a way that only its server-side can understand? All this of course provided the client stack can run on the
mobile- I am working on testing that now.


Benson Margulies wrote:

Let me answer/clarify what I can.

There are two ways of getting Javascript:

1: ask the server to generate it via the ?js URL.
2: run the generator yourself, either via the command-line driver or
the API it calls.

Both of this works either code-first or contract first. That is, you
start from Java classes with @nnotations, you can directly generate
javascript. You don't have to make a wsdl at any point.

You could do #2 on the client. However, I am ignorant of the
constraints of J2ME or CLDC, so I can't tell you if you can fit the
necessary set of our code onto there.


On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Demetris<demet...@ece.neu.edu> wrote:
Hi Benson.

do you mind if I ask for some clarification?
1) you can ask the server to generate and deliver the javascript client.

The server will actually generate and send a javascript client to the
requesting remote class correct?
But if need be, can the server also generate a WSDL file - which I am
assuming can be used on
the client side with the WSDL2js to generate the javascript client?

2) you can create a 'dynamic client' that can talk to moderately
complex services.

However, option 2 requires the entire CXF stack on the client, and I
have no idea if J2ME has the necessary goodies.

But still there is a reduced set of CXF classes that can be run under
J2ME-CDC or CLDC? I am
looking for the appropriate server/container that I can run under J2ME and
which can host CXF
web services and I am not having much luck. I think my only option would be
to use OSGi (I think
Equinox and Knopflerfish can run under J2ME) in which case I will need a
bundle-fied version of
CXF - I am going over the Distributed OSGi pages on the CXF site hoping that
is what I am looking

Thanks again

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