It looks to me as if a Jackson 'provider' would be a pretty straightforward
construction. To be clear, there's be no CXF DataBinding in the process at
all. Jackson maps pojos to JSON and vica versa.

The plus side of this is that it would yield, if successful, 'natural' json,
unencrusted with namespace glop, in both directions.

The minus side of this would be that it doesn't help those people who want a
JSON JAX-RS endpoint as a sort of instant side-effect of their preexisting
stack of JAXB @nnotations or Aegis XML files or whatever.

Personally, I think that I'd be coding something a whole lot more useful by
adding this than by putting more lipstick on the pig of producing and
consuming extremely ugly JSON via Aegis.

Admittedly, 'unqualified' Aegis would be helpful, but if Jackson already
does the job, why do all that work?

Let me ask you the other question. If users have already done Aegis, why would 
they want to bring in Jackson ?
'unqualified' Aegis will do exactly what they want too, as far as dealing with 
explicit collections/maps is concerned

cheers, Sergey

Not to mention the fact that Tatu is likely to prove responsive in case of

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