Question for everyone.....

What are peoples thoughts about making 2.1.9 (in January) the last of the 
2.1.x line?

2.2.x will have been out for 10 months by then so users definitely should have 
had plenty of time to migrate.   2.2.x is generally a simple migration from 
2.1.x.   I think most of the other major open source projects that were 
tracking 2.1.x have already moved onto 2.2.x.   ServiceMix, Camel, JBoss, 
etc...     The remaining projects that are using 2.1.x seem to be stuck on a 
particular version (like Mule stuck on 2.1.3) and not "tracking" the fixes 

The main migration issue from 2.1.x to 2.2.x is the JAX-RS version (0.8 -> 
1.0).   However, we aren't fixing any of the JAX-RS issues on 2.1.x anyway.   
Thus, that's not a real reason.  If you are using JAX-RS, you definitely want 
the compliant implementation in 2.2.  

Anyway, making 2.1.9 the end of the line should then make it such that when 
2.3 is ready (hopefully in Q1), we can just keep 2 fixes branches active.

Thoughts?  Comments?

Daniel Kulp

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