
BTW:  I DID add a system test of the optimized UsernameToken processing:


On Friday 09 April 2010 9:50:45 am Daniel Kulp wrote:
> My main "concern" with the implementation of this is that it's done as a
> direct subclass of the WSS4JInInterceptor and thus not really usable by the
> policy based endpoints as those interceptors subclass WSS4JInInterceptor as
> well.
> I think the better approach may be to add a flag to wss4j (I can help
> commit changes there if needed) to have it not do any UserName token
> processing at all.   (aside:  this may be doable without changes to wss4j
> by registering our own "do nothing processor")    Then, have another
> interceptor that runs after the WSS4JInInterceptor that would actually
> handle the UsernameToken and verify anything it needs and such.
> To be honest, I WANT to do this for the Policy based stuff anyway.   There
> is currently some duplicated code between the
> PolicyBasedWSS4JIinInterceptor and the new UsernameTokenInterceptor that
> could be eliminated by having the PolicyBasedWSS4JIinInterceptor not do
> UsernameTokens at all and delegate that completely to the
> UsernameTokenInterceptor.
> Basically, it would be good if the WSS4JIn* stuff just handled the
> encryption/signature stuff and then let the authorization validations stuff
> to later interceptors.   That would include things like key validation
> checking and stuff as well.  Probably SAML token validation as well.
> Dan
> On Thursday 08 April 2010 12:09:24 pm Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> > Hi David
> > 
> > thanks for the comments...
> > 
> > On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:41 PM, David Valeri <> wrote:
> > > Sergey,
> > > 
> > > I think this type of functionality would be very useful to a number of
> > > folks.  I have built two similar capabilities for clients very recently
> > > using CXF and Spring Security.  Based on the code provided below, I
> > > have several points that I would like to see addressed in a solution.
> > > 
> > > 1) Architecture to support more than just UsernameTokens.  I have
> > > worked with systems that need to authenticate a user using
> > > UsernameTokens, BinarySecurityTokens, SAML Assertions, and a
> > > combination of more than one of
> > > these at a time.
> > 
> > Supporting UsernameTokens is the initial requirement. At the moment I do
> > not even know how BinarySecurityTokens or SAML Assertions are
> > processed/validated in CXF or WSS4J.
> > 
> > > For the most part, WSS4J simply validates the structural
> > > details of security.  That is, signature validity, trust chaining of
> > > digital
> > > certificates, etc.  As Glen pointed out with his reference to
> > >, WSS4J sometimes performs
> > > its
> > > own password checking (authentication).  Unfortunately, WSS4J doesn't
> > > provide hooks for authenticating other forms of credentials that I have
> > > listed above (I don't consider trust to be equivalent to
> > > authentication). It would be best if the authentication interface
> > > supported multiple credential types and allowed for authentication to
> > > be performed in a single location in the same manner every time (not
> > > sometimes in the WSS4J callback and sometimes in another interceptor
> > > for non-UT based credentials).
> > 
> > Makes sense. Assuming it is WSS4J which validates (the structure of)
> > BinarySecurityTokens then 
> > AbstractWSS4JSecurityContextProvidingInterceptor can also implement a
> > processor for BinarySecurityTokens and delegate to subclass to
> > authenticate and setup a subject. Some extra methods will need to be
> > added, to be optionally overridden.
> > 
> > If it is not only WSS4J which is involved then perhaps another option is
> > to store (from WSS4J callback handler, etc) relevant details such
> > username token details, etc to be acted upon by other interceptors.
> > 
> > > That
> > > last bit there means disabling WSS4J's password authentication since it
> > > gets
> > > in the way of doing it later in our own interceptor.
> > 
> > AbstractWSS4JSecurityContextProvidingInterceptor does it now by
> > implementing a simplified UsernameTokenProcessor
> > 
> > > 2) Allow for end-user flexibility in choosing the credentials they want
> > > to authenticate.  For instance, each user is going to have their own
> > > security profiles and authentication requirements.  For instance, a
> > > message contains a UT for a portal user and a digital signature from
> > > the portal (I know using
> > > a SAML Assertion would be better here, but people still do it this
> > > way). Each organization will have different requirements as to which
> > > credentials get authenticated and what needs to end up in the security
> > > context.
> > 
> > I suppose AbstractWSS4JSecurityContextProvidingInterceptor subclasses
> > should be able to do it, for username tokens and other tokens later on.
> > 
> > > 3) Decouple the authentication interface from WSS4J.  What is passed in
> > > needs to be abstracted enough that it can work with other WS-Security
> > > libraries as well.
> > 
> > the only WSS4J class which is leaked at the moment is
> > WSSecurityException. Perhaps we can come up later on with a different
> > more generic approach which does not depend on WSS4J at all. As Dan
> > indicated, in some cases WSS4JInInterceptor is not even used, so that
> > case will need to be addressed. Experimenting wuth binary tokens might
> > help with identifying another solution.
> > 
> > > 4) It would be nice to be able to perform authorization using something
> > > like
> > > Spring Security at the service operation level.  With a POJO or JAX-WS
> > > based
> > > service, one can just use Spring Security's method interceptor to
> > > provide such security; however, in situations where one only has a
> > > WSDL based service or a provider style service, a method interceptor
> > > can't be used.
> > > 
> > >  It
> > > 
> > > would be nice to provide a hook into Spring Security to allow end-users
> > > to specify role based authorization policy based on a combination of
> > > interface,
> > > instance, and operation names.  It seems like your
> > > AbstractAuthorizingInterceptor and SimpleAuthorizingInterceptor are
> > > looking in this direction, but I think it would be best if we can stand
> > > on the shoulders of the Spring Security giant as much as possible so
> > > that we can take advantage of their rich authorization manager, voter,
> > > XML
> > > configuration
> > > capabilities.
> > 
> > Not sure what to say here yet. But I think non-Spring users should be
> > taken care of too. Or when simpler cases are dealt with then perhaps
> > there's no need to bring in Spring security. Perhaps the utility
> > authorization interceptors should just not be used when Spring Security
> > is preferred ?
> > 
> > > 5) Try not to leave the ServiceMix CXF-BC out in the cold.  The CXF-BC
> > > currently has a limited capability to select the credentials to
> > > authenticate
> > > and would benefit from 1 and 2 above.  The CXF-BC ultimately delegates
> > > authentication to the JBI container through a ServiceMix components
> > > authentication service abstraction of JAAS.  Whatever solution we have
> > > for 1
> > > and 2 would help out the component if the ServiceMix authentication
> > > service abstraction could be wired up in lieu of whatever we provide
> > > out of the box.
> > 
> > I'm not planning to contribute to ServiceMix. I agree though that an
> > ideal solution will meet multiple requirements
> > 
> > thanks, Sergey
> > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Sergey Beryozkin []
> > > Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 10:11 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Using WS-Security UsernameToken to authenticate users and
> > > populate SecurityContexts
> > > 
> > > Hi
> > > 
> > > I've been looking recently at extending the CXF WS-Security component
> > > such that a current UsernameToken could be used by custom interceptors
> > > to authenticate a user with the external security systems and, if
> > > possible, provide enough information for CXF to populate a
> > > SecurityContext [1] to be used later on for
> > > authorization decisions.
> > > 
> > > Here is the approach I've taken so far.
> > > A custom interceptor extends
> > > AbstractWSS4JSecurityContextProvidingInterceptor [2] and the only
> > > method it overrides is
> > > 
> > > abstract Subject createSubject(String name, String password, boolean
> > > isDigest,
> > > 
> > >                                    String nonce,
> > >                                    String created) throws
> > > 
> > > WSSecurityException;
> > > 
> > > 
> > > For example, see [3].
> > > 
> > > The idea here is that a custom interceptor interfaces whichever way it
> > > needs
> > > to with the external system and populates a Subject following this
> > > simple rule : first Subject principal is the current user (identified
> > > by a 'name' argument), followed by one or more Groups this user is a
> > > member of. AbstractWSS4JSecurityContextProvidingInterceptor will use
> > > this Subject to provide a functional SecurityContext instance.
> > > 
> > > This is the first part, next is how to utilize a SecurityContext and
> > > get the
> > > expected roles associated one way or the other with a current method to
> > > be invoked. There's a number of usual options available here, perhaps
> > > even SpringSecurity can be used now that SecurityContext is available,
> > > or application code or other custom CXF interceptor can check the known
> > > roles against SecurityContext.
> > > 
> > > I've also added AbstractAuthorizingInInterceptor interceptor which
> > > custom interceptors can override and return a list of expected roles
> > > given a (service) Method to be invoked upon,
> > > AbstractAuthorizingInInterceptor will then ask available
> > > SecurityContext to match the roles; one concrete implementation is
> > > SimpleAuthorizingInterceptor[5], it can be injected with a
> > > method specific or class (applying to all methods) roles. Another
> > > implementation which I will likely add later on will be injected with a
> > > name
> > > of annotation such as RolesAlloved and it will introspect a method and
> > > its class.
> > > 
> > > Note that I haven't looked into the case when a policy runtimes adds
> > > the interceptors yet (as opposed to interceptors being configured form
> > > Spring/programmatically). I think an optional contextual property will
> > > need to be setup in such cases for users be able to indicate that say
> > > an interceptor such as [3] has to be used as opposed to
> > > WSS4JInInterceptor, etc.
> > > 
> > > I'm going to validate this approach with JBoss CXF. If you have any
> > > comments
> > > then please let me know.
> > > 
> > > I think we may have a simpler alternative eventually to the way
> > > authorization decisions are made. [1]-[3] is specific to ws-security,
> > > but [4]-[5] is not
> > > 
> > > cheers, Sergey
> > > 
> > > [1]
> > > [2]
> > > 
> > >
> > > or g/a
> > > 
> > > pache/cxf/ws/security/wss4j/AbstractWSS4JSecurityContextProvidingInterc
> > > ep
> > > tor<
> > > jav
> > > a/org/a%0Apache/cxf/ws/security/wss4j/AbstractWSS4JSecurityContextProv
> > > idi ngInterceptor> .java
> > > [3]
> > > 
> > >
> > > or g/a
> > > pache/cxf/ws/security/wss4j/<http:
> > > /
> > > /
> > > %0A pache/cxf/ws/security/wss4j/>
> > > [4]
> > > 
> > >
> > > ch e/c
> > > xf/interceptor/security/<http://sv
> > > n
> > >
> > > f/i nterceptor/security/> [5]
> > > 
> > >
> > > ch e/c
> > > xf/interceptor/security/<http://svn.ap
> > > a
> > >
> > > ter ceptor/security/>

Daniel Kulp

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