On Monday 27 September 2010 4:42:55 am Andrew Dinn wrote:
> On 09/24/2010 07:58 PM, Daniel Kulp wrote:
> > I'm not sure I understand.   Does the RelatesTo on the response properly
> > match the message id of the request?  If so, why is the MAPCodec not
> > able to correlate the message?
> The problem is that when using ReplyTo/FaultTo the response may be sent
> from one bus/exchange and the reply received by another. Your use fo
> MessageID/RelatesTo to correlate request/response assumes that teh
> response comes back to where it is sent to. This assumption may be invalid.
> > I guess my concern is around a potential memory leak if the MAPCodec is
> > holding onto messages waiting for a response.   But then again, I'm not
> > sure I understand the issue.  :-)
> Yes, this is one side of the problem -- the sender exchange fills with
> garbage. The other side is that the receiver exchange drops legitimate
> responses because they rae being received at a different location to the
> sender. Unfortunately, proper support for WSA ReplyTo/FaultTo requires
> that to be allowed.

Hmm.....   I wonder if we can tackle some of these things kind of piece meal, 
in steps:

1) Scenario one is a single Bus, but multiple MAPCodec's.   This should be 
fairly easy.  If the MAPCodec stores it's storage map as a property on the 
Bus, then multple MAPCodecs could share the storage and the problem would be 
solved  for this usecase, right?

2) Scenario two is a single JVM/classlaoder with multiple bus's.  This is 
similar to (1), but the storage could be pre-configured and shareable. 

3) Scenario three would be multiple apps/jvms/classloader.  This is trickier.   
One solution would be to allow configuring in a distrubted map implementation 
for the storage.  

Thoughts?  Ideas?

Daniel Kulp

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