I'd still like to get 2.3 released next week if possible.   However, there are 
still some things to do:

1) JIRA triage - could everyone please look through the JIRA items that would 
fall into your area and see if any of them are resolved.  I'd like to get a 
good handle on what is there.

2) Issues with attachments - the scripts we had for that hasn't run since the 
last JIRA upgrade.(MONTHS)  I finally spent several hours today chasing that 
down and got it working.  I just sent a report for the last 40weeks.   It 
would be good if people could take a look over them and see if any of the 
attachments are useful patches that could be applied.

3) JIRA's blocked on external  - we've upgraded to JAXB 2.1.13 (and 2.2.1) so 
some of these are probably resolvable.   Once WSS4J 1.5.9 is in central, some 
more are probably resolvable.   Just need to check and test.

4) Documentation - again, we need to make sure all the new things are properly 
documented and listed on the release notes/migration guide[1].   Things I know 
still need work:  

   a) Continuation changes - Willem, can you handle that?
   b) Aegis schema validation jar requirements - the schema validation stuff 
added to [2] requires some extra jars (msv things).  Need to track down the 
list and add them to the docs.

5) Testing samples - I'd like to test the samples FROM THE KIT downloaded from 
[3].    Those kits are built with Java 5 (which is what I'll do for the 
release) so it's a bit different than what I think many of us are using as the 
deps are a bit different for java6.   I'd like to make sure everyhthing is OK.

6) JAX-WS and JAX-RS TCK's.   Sergey and I are on these. 

Anything else?

[1] http://cxf.apache.org/docs/23-migration-guide.html
[2] http://cxf.apache.org/docs/aegis-21.html

Daniel Kulp

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