On Friday 26 November 2010 6:47:11 pm Dennis Sosnoski wrote:
> My original message is included in this one, at the bottom. There are
> three different variations of Checkstyle errors: 1) unexpected char:
> 0xFFFF; 2) Missing a header - not enough lines in file; and 3) Wrong
> order for import.

Occasionally, when importing the  projects, Eclipse gets confused and doesn't 
get everything setup correctly.   Steps to resolve:

1) From the command line, re-run "mvn -Psetup.eclipse" to make sure everything 
is regenerated properly.

2) Select all the projects in eclipse and do File -> Refresh to reload them

3) Select all the projects and do a Project -> Clean to force eclipse to 
rebuild them.   

If  that DOESN'T help, then right click on one  of the projects and bring up 
the properties for it.   On the "Checkstyle" page, make sure it says it's 
using the "CXF Checks - (Global)"  configuration.   If it's not, that's the 
issue.   The -Psetup.eclipse profile should be injecting  the CXF Checks 
configuration into your workspace (which, by default, is ../workspace from the 
cxf directory).   If that didn't work, you may need to add 
-Declipse.workspace.dir=/path/to/workspace to the command line to make sure it 
gets added.

The BEST option which definitely helps with the maven eclipse plugin is to 
edit your ~/.m2/setttings.xml and add a profile like:


or similar which pretty much makes sure everything always points to the right 
workspace and sources are always downloaded and such.   Pretty much would help 
with ANY maven project where you may use the maven-eclipse-plugin.


>   - Dennis
> On 11/27/2010 11:04 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:
> > Sigh. I deleted your original message. What do the errors look like?
> > 
> > On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Dennis Sosnoski <d...@sosnoski.com> wrote:
> >> Had the subversion plugin, but was missing subversion itself on the
> >> system I was using. :-)  Installed that, installed the matching version
> >> of subclipse, deleted and re-imported the projects, and now I'm left
> >> with "just" the errors.
> >> 
> >> Thanks,
> >> 
> >>  - Dennis
> >> 
> >> On 11/27/2010 02:53 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:
> >>> Looks like you lack a subversion plugin to eclipse, which would
> >>> somehow prevent the cs plugin from descending into your .svn
> >>> directories.
> >>> 
> >>> On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 5:10 AM, Dennis Sosnoski <d...@sosnoski.com> 
> >>>> I've followed the instructions at
> >>>> http://cxf.apache.org/setting-up-eclipse.html to create an Eclipse
> >>>> project using the current trunk code, but Eclipse gives me a bunch of
> >>>> Checkstyle errors as well as a bunch of warnings. Here's a
> >>>> representative sampling of the Checkstyle errors (89 in all):
> >>>> 
> >>>> Got an exception - unexpected char: 0xFFFF    AddNumbers.java
> >>>> /cxf-systests-jaxws/src/test/java/org/apache/cxf/systest/handlers/type
> >>>> s line 93    Checkstyle Problem
> >>>> Missing a header - not enough lines in file.    package-info.java
> >>>> /cxf-systests-jaxws/src/test/java/org/apache/cxf/systest/handlers/type
> >>>> s line 1    Checkstyle Problem
> >>>> Wrong order for 'org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.Soap11.SOAP_NAMESPACE'
> >>>> import.    MAPAggregatorTest.java
> >>>> /cxf-rt-ws-addr/src/test/java/org/apache/cxf/ws/addressing    line 69
> >>>> Checkstyle Problem
> >>>> 
> >>>> The warnings (346) all appear to relate to svn files included in the
> >>>> src tree:
> >>>> 
> >>>> The resource is a duplicate of src/main/java/.svn/all-wcprops and was
> >>>> not copied to the output folder    all-wcprops
> >>>> /cxf-systests-java2ws/src/main/resources/.svn    Unknown    Java
> >>>> Problem The resource is a duplicate of src/main/java/.svn/all-wcprops
> >>>> and was not copied to the output folder    all-wcprops
> >>>> /cxf-xerces-xsd-validation/src/main/resources/.svn    Unknown    Java
> >>>> Problem
> >>>> The resource is a duplicate of src/main/java/.svn/entries and was not
> >>>> copied to the output folder    entries
> >>>> /cxf-systests-java2ws/src/main/resources/.svn    Unknown    Java
> >>>> Problem The resource is a duplicate of src/main/java/.svn/entries and
> >>>> was not copied to the output folder    entries
> >>>> /cxf-xerces-xsd-validation/src/main/resources/.svn    Unknown    Java
> >>>> Problem
> >>>> 
> >>>> Are these all expected problems, or do I have something misconfigured?
> >>>> 
> >>>> Thanks,
> >>>> 
> >>>>  - Dennis
> >>>> 
> >>>> --
> >>>> 
> >>>> Dennis M. Sosnoski
> >>>> Java SOA and Web Services Consulting
> >>>> <http://www.sosnoski.com/consult.html> Axis2/CXF/Metro SOA and Web
> >>>> Services Training
> >>>> <http://www.sosnoski.com/training.html>
> >>>> Web Services Jump-Start <http://www.sosnoski.com/jumpstart.html>

Daniel Kulp

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