
I think I like all the options you suggested :-)

Please see comments inline

On 07/10/11 19:51, K Fung wrote:
Hi everyone,

(long time lurker here ... thought it was about them we started to
contribute something back)

As everyone who's played with CXF JAX-RS and OSGI knows, it's not too
easy to get CXF and OSGI to co-operate outside of the Apache
ServiceMix bundle/example.

I've been sitting on a CXF JAX-RS OSGI example for the last few months
that illustrates the minimal dependencies needed for CXF JAX-RS OSGI
to work correctly but I don't know what's the best way to distribute

As it's a combination of both CXF JAX-RS code and ServiceMix code,
it's in the middle ground where it neither fits with ServiceMix nor
CXF perfectly. So I'm looking for feedback about where you think this
sample would fit best?

Some thoughts I had...

1) As an example in the CXF distribution

This one seems like the best candidate initially - we can have a look then and see if some of the contribution which is generic enough can be pushed to the trunk(s)

2) As an entry in the CXF wiki (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CXF)

Sounds good - if the contribution will have a Readme then I can help with creating a wiki page too

3) As just a blog entry somewhere in the world wide web where it may
be referenced

+1 :-)

Do any of you have any thoughts? Would it even be welcomed in the CXF trunk?

Dan has been doing a lot of work with regard to the OSGI-fication of CXF. I think sooner or later most of CXF core modules will be very OSGI proactive/aware. One thing I hope the jaxrs module will be able to do is to discover JAX-RS Application or Provider services (the latter is possible with DOSGi CXF), and do some other cool dynamic OSGI things. So if we can identify some generally useful code then we can start pushing it to the trunk.

All the JAX-RS demos we ship with the Talend Examples distro are OSGI-aware but indeed they all do depend on ServiceMix bundles

Many thanks, Sergey


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