I'm trying to get the maven site plugin going. I can generate a whole
lot of site, and then I get an out of memory (with -Xmx6g)! I'm going
to need a bigger computer. The site lifecycle runs a lot of the rest
of what we do, and I guess, captain, that we've sprung a leak.

For those who want to play along at home, using maven 3.0.3,

mvn process-classes site:site

This lead me to wonder: would it improve our life to define the
'released product' of CXF to exclude the systests, and treat them as a
testing resource? With modern Jenkins, we can easily have a build of
the main trunk cascade into a build of the systests on the very
snapshots built by the first build. At release time, we'd run the
systests against the candidate. We wouldn't publish them to Nexus in
any form.

I'm pretty sure, based on recent board@ and general@incubator
wrangles, that this would be legit.

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