On Thursday, December 08, 2011 8:30:16 AM Benson Margulies wrote:
> I'm trying to get the maven site plugin going. I can generate a whole
> lot of site, and then I get an out of memory (with -Xmx6g)! I'm going
> to need a bigger computer. The site lifecycle runs a lot of the rest
> of what we do, and I guess, captain, that we've sprung a leak.
> For those who want to play along at home, using maven 3.0.3,
> mvn process-classes site:site

If I run it with:
MAVEN_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=192m -Xmx1024M -XX:+UseCompressedOops"

with Olivier's latest 3.0.4 RC I don't get a memory error, I get it running 
all the way down to:

[INFO] org.apache.cxf.systests.wsdl_maven:cxf-systests-java2ws:wsdl:2.5.1-
SNAPSHOT:compile resolved to 
[INFO] Apparent Maven bug: wsdl artifact 'resolved' to 
/home/dkulp/working/cxf/systests/wsdl_maven/java2ws/target/classes for 

Which is the other issue you are working on.  :-)    Is your memory issue a 
PermGen space issue?

That said, we could add fork modes to more of the plugins (like the java2ws 
plugin) that could help a little bit.

> This lead me to wonder: would it improve our life to define the
> 'released product' of CXF to exclude the systests, and treat them as a
> testing resource? With modern Jenkins, we can easily have a build of
> the main trunk cascade into a build of the systests on the very
> snapshots built by the first build. At release time, we'd run the
> systests against the candidate. We wouldn't publish them to Nexus in
> any form.

Personally, either way doesn't matter TOO much to me as long as we have a way 
from the command line to build/test everything in one shot.   So a systest 
profile or something that can be activated.  (or set as activeByDefault in my 
settings.xml or something)

> I'm pretty sure, based on recent board@ and general@incubator
> wrangles, that this would be legit.
Daniel Kulp
dk...@apache.org - http://dankulp.com/blog
Talend Community Coder - http://coders.talend.com

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