Yep.  Definitely a problem.  On it.


On Friday, June 15, 2012 12:47:00 PM Alessio Soldano wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm seeing weird stacktraces most probably as a consequence of CXF-4366:
> While I actually still need to figure out how the CNFE is related to my
> problem, I wondering if we're not running into an unwanted loop here.
> The CacheCleanupListener tries registering itself into the lifecycle
> managers (which need to be looked up):
> public CacheCleanupListener(Bus b) {
>   ServerLifeCycleManager m = b.getExtension(ServerLifeCycleManager.class);
> if (m != null) {
>       m.registerListener(this);
>   }
>   ClientLifeCycleManager cm =
> b.getExtension(ClientLifeCycleManager.class); if (cm != null) {
>       cm.registerListener(this);
>   }
> }
> on the other hand, the ServletLifyCycleManagerImpl looks up any listener
> and adds them:
> public ServerLifeCycleManagerImpl(Bus b) {
>   Collection<? extends ServerLifeCycleListener> l =
> b.getExtension(ConfiguredBeanLocator.class)
>           .getBeansOfType(ServerLifeCycleListener.class);
>   if (l != null) {
>       listeners.addAll(l);
>   }
> }
> Thanks
> Alessio
Daniel Kulp -
Talend Community Coder -

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