Support for wauth and whr is supported as a callbackhandler in the fediz plugin 
for the relying party (application). Also metadata support is provided in the 
plugin. It's not yet supported for the fediz idp.


Oliver Wulff

Solution Architect

Talend Application Integration Division

From: Cabrera Juan Manuel []
Sent: 04 September 2012 16:47
Subject: RE: Facing error on Weblogic 11g with Apache CXF |u sing POST IN REST 
|Need help

Hello everyone.

I just dug out an old email about the Fediz roadmap (March, 29th 2012):

>> Roadmap
>> -------------
>> 1st release (end of april):
>> - Move configuration code to fediz-core
>> - Publish WS-Federation Metadata document
>> - Move SignIn request creation to fediz-core
>> - support callback handlers for federation parameters: wauth, whr,
>> 2nd release (end of june):
>> - Create CXF plugin for JAX-RS
>> - Create Websphere plugin based on TAI
>> - Support encrypted token
>> - Support the role of relying party IDP in mock
>> - Support SAML HoK:
>>       either use UseKey element in RST
>>       or collocate STS in IDP thus STS has access to underlying transport
>> - add layer to support other protocols like SAML-P, OAuth
>> 3rd release (end of september):
>> - create JBoss plugin
>> - create Jetty plugin

Just to know if it is still correct (excepting the dates, obviously); I am very 
interested in the features about federation (wauth, whr, metadata, ...)

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