
I was also planning to ask, if CXF plugin were to be added too, how will it work with such a plugin ?
Cheers, Sergey

Hi there

I've refactored the Fediz IDP and I'd like your feedback. The IDP is
based on a state machine which re-uses Servlet Filters to build up the
processing chain but an abstract AbstractAuthFilter handles all the
state related processing.

I was struggeling a little bit how to define the states. An enum is to
static whereas a string to error prone. I'd like that users have the
option to extend the IDP without having to patch the enum class to
introduce new states.

I've defined the default states in a enum but all processing is based
on strings.

It's now much easier to add the SAML profile as only the
FederationFilter and FederationPostFilter has to be rewritten.

Another topic I'd like your opinion is the pre-state condition. A
filter is called only if the one state condition is met. If a filter
could support depending on different states, there is also only one
FederationFilter needed.

Looking forward for your feedback.



Oliver Wulff

Blog: http://owulff.blogspot.com<http://owulff.blogspot.com/>
Solution Architect

<http://coders.talend.com>Talend Application Integration Division

Colm O hEigeartaigh

Talend Community Coder

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Talend Community Coders

Blog: http://sberyozkin.blogspot.com

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