
I wish you all a happy new year, may it bring you the best.

I trust that the patch Thierry provided with Spring Webflow will help smoothen 
future developments on the IDP, since the codebase is reduced a lot and the 
flow is cleaner (at least imo).
@Oli: Would you like me or Thierry to file a JIRA with this patch enclosed 
instead of publishing it in the mailing list?

Meanwhile, we kept ourselves busy doing some developments to address the remote 
IDP usecase (see FEDIZ-3<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FEDIZ-3>)
We are now working on translating this towards Spring Webflow.
As soon as this is done, we will provide a patch on the aforementioned issue if 
this is OK for you.


Juan Manuel

From: Beucher Thierry
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 5:08 PM
To: dev@cxf.apache.org
Cc: Cabrera Juan Manuel; Monteiro Jean-Louis
Subject: RE: Fediz IDP refactored


As Juan Manuel Cabrera suggested, I completely refactored Fediz idp component 
basing on Spring WebFlow : it can be found as attached fediz-idp-swf.patch.

Basically the idea was to remove complex chain of filters implementing the idp 
flow, drastically reducing the base code.

Applying the patch, all filters are removed and the master logic is migrated to 

It implies main other changes :

*         web.xml : referencing new idp servlet handling web-flow and mapped to 
/federation relative URL,

*         new idp-servlet.xml including web-flow configuration and specific idp 
beans configuration (which sources can be found into 
org.apache.cxf.fediz.service.idp.beans package),

*         various new and modified jsp views invoked as SWF view or end states 
in flow (signinform.jsp, signinresponseform.jsp, signoutresponse.jsp, 
genericerror.jsp and blank.jsp)

The patch supports the following features, as currently implemented in original 
fediz-idp  1.1.0-SNAPSHOT release :

*         Login

*         Logout

*         Basic authentication and Form authentication (switch from one to the 
other has currently to be set in federation-webflow.xml)

The patch has been successfully tested with singleWebapp project and webapp & 
fedizservice projects.

Note: the only change required for Relying Parties webapps is located in 
fediz-config.xml : the protocol issuer should no longer be


All remarks will be welcomed...



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