
It makes sense that a 2.8 would bring significant and complete
implementation of new features with possibly some broken api
compatibility (although less than what we could do for a 3.0).

I think delaying until later in the year and instead focus on ensuring
that the 2.7.X, 2.6.x and 2.5.x are the best they can be is an
excellent idea.  Nothing worse than a big release just for the sake of

I think passing the TCK for the JAX-XX standards is really important
because it makes CXF more of a viable alternative to the reference
implementation.  Also I would think we can't really say we implement
JAX-WS and JAX-RS unless we actually implement the standard 100% and
pass the TCK.

Just my 2c


On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 5:25 AM, Jeff Genender <jgenen...@apache.org> wrote:
> Or… don't claim its a certified release…
> Jeff
> On Mar 25, 2013, at 12:19 PM, Daniel Kulp <dk...@apache.org> wrote:
>> We're getting close to April which normally would be the next release (2.8). 
>>   However, looking things over, I'm not sure it makes sense at this time.    
>> Looking at trunk, the only major change (which is admittedly a big one), is 
>> updating the JAX-RS 2.0 stuff from m10  to the RC level.   However, it's not 
>> complete yet.   Almost everything else has been back ported to 2.7.x.   The 
>> other major chunk of work that is happening is on the wss4j2 branch, but 
>> that isn't ready for for release yet either.   (and has some backwards 
>> compat issues to resolve if it would go on a 2.x line)
>> According to the agreements Apache has with Oracle, we really cannot 
>> "release" code that doesn't pass the TCK (which the 2.0 works would not).   
>> Technically, we should not have released 2.7.0 as a release.  We can release 
>> things like "tech previews" or "beta" or similar, but not a full release.   
>> Since we are working on trying to renew the agreements, Oracle is paying 
>> attention to us pretty closely right now.
>> So, what am I getting at?   In order to release 2.8 in a few weeks, we'd 
>> either need to back out all the JAX-RS 2.0 stuff to 1.1 level OR everyone 
>> jump in full force and get it to pass the TCK.   I really don't see either 
>> happening.   Backing out to 1.1 would be silly and the 2.0 TCK stuff is a 
>> ton of work.   Thus, my suggestion would be to skip a big release this April 
>> and concentrate on bigger things for our Oct/Nov release.  Possibly make 
>> that a CXF 3.0 release instead of 2.8 where we can clean up some stuff, 
>> break a few things (like change the couple API's that currently force WSDL4J 
>> on JAX-RS users), etc…    We can incorporate the WSS4J2 changes as part of 
>> this as well.    If we go this route, we could likely start a series of 
>> "beta" releases or similar in June or so to get people looking at it and 
>> testing with it.
>> Any thoughts?
>> --
>> Daniel Kulp
>> dk...@apache.org - http://dankulp.com/blog
>> Talend Community Coder - http://coders.talend.com

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