Indeed, good plan...

On 06/09/17 20:14, Andriy Redko wrote:
I think that keeping 3.2.x on master would make sense, at least till 3.2.1.  As 
Dennis pointed out,
with Java 9 just a few weeks away we may branch off 3.2 later and work on 3.3 
(master) to make it good
Jigsaw citizen. Supporting only 3.1.x and dropping 3.0.x sounds reasonable, +1 
to that.

DK> Just wanted to start a quick discussion about 3.0.x.   We’ve historically 
done work on the master and then
DK> supported two fixes branches.   With 3.2.0 being voted on now, I’m not sure 
if we would branch the 3.2.x-fixes
DK> branch immediately or wait a bit (we have historically waited a bit).   Are 
there major changes forthcoming that
DK> would warrant targeting 3.3 sooner?   If not, I think I’d like to stick on 
master for at least one round of fixes just to stabilize the 3.2.0 as users 

DK> In any case, we’ve now supported the 3.0.x series for 2 years, 4 months.    
  Would it make sense to announce that
DK> 3.0.15 will be the final scheduled release off that branch?   Maybe wait 
one more iteration?    We haven’t been back
DK> porting much anyway.    I grabbed the “central download stats” from Nexus 
for the cxf-core module (pretty much any
DK> usage of CXF requires that) just to get an idea of what is used.   The top 
10 are:

DK> 3.0.3   18%
DK> 3.1.11  11%
DK> 3.1.6   10%
DK> 3.1.10  7%
DK> 3.1.12  6%
DK> 3.1.7   5%
DK> 3.1.8   5%
DK> 3.1.5   4%
DK> 3.1.4   4%
DK> 3.0.1   4%

DK> As you can see, the only 3.0.x versions in the top 10 are 3.0.1 and 3.0.3.  
Since they are both ancient, I doubt
DK> anyone using them is planning on upgrading to new 3.0.x versions anyway.   
The good news is that the 3 latest 3.1.x
DK> versions are in the top 5.  Shows that the 3.1.x folks are keeping up to 
date.    The last two 3.0.x releases (.13 and .14) are numbers 24 and 23 on the 

DK> Anway, curious as to peoples thoughts….

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