I will also take a look at the OSGi issues if not done yet.
Freeman(Yue) Fang

Red Hat, Inc. 

> On Jan 11, 2019, at 2:59 AM, Andrey Redko <drr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Dennis,
> I will take a look tonight if no one does it before me. Thanks!
> Best Regards,
>    Andriy Redko
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2019, 10:51 AM Dennis Kieselhorst <m...@dekies.de wrote:
>>>> Let's focus on JAX-WS and JAX-RS (along with JAXB) for 3.3.0 as those
>>>> are the main implementations that we are offering. Everything else can
>>>> be done for 3.4.0.
>>> +1, assuming the JAX-WS upgrade is seamless. JAX-RS is already done
>> right?
>>> Then let's use a single version of JAXB for both JDK8 + 11.
>> Well relatively seamless. Can anyone support solving the OSGi issues?
>> I've created branch
>> https://github.com/apache/cxf/tree/CXF-7910_jakarta_jaxws-api for it.
>>>> I also agree that we should release soon (maybe next week?) and avoid
>>>> another delay.
>>> Yep let's tentatively target a vote at the end of next week?
>> +1
>> Cheers
>> Dennis

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