On 2023/06/23 12:03:31 Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
> Hi there,
> I see that the current main branch is set for version 4.0.3-SNAPSHOT and 
> Jakarta XML Web Services / Bind API 3.0
> Do we already have plans for CXF 4.1 supporting Jakarta XML Web Services / 
> Bind API 4.0 and related?
> I was noticing this because some SOAP services based on CXF 4.0.2 / Spring 
> Boot 3.1.0 are not working any more after yesterday release of Spring Boot 
> 3.1.1: I did solve for my own services, but I thought it was better to ask 
> for future plans.

Hi Francesco,

Most likely I stumbled upon the very same issue and analyzed it’s root cause to 
a change in glassfish jaxb-ri.


In my opinion it’s not primarily because CXF is missing comprehensive Jakarta 
EE 10 / JAXB 4.0  support. Instead Glassfish-Ri introduced a breaking change in 
a patch release between versions 4.0.2 and 4.0.3.

I filed a GitHub issue


And a heads up in CXF Jira


The 4.0.3 release has been picked up by spring-boot 3.0.8 and 3.1.1, so 
basically all projects using spring-boot and apache-cxf 4.0.x based jax-ws 
client / server are affected.

I mitigated the issue by overriding the spring-boot managed dependency for 
I hope to get some attention to this topic before it becomes a major 
compatibility issue.
thx and regards,

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