Are there test automation tools available that can be used to drive the
vscode debugger?

This would ideally include both something that drives the UI via easily
created/maintained scripts, but also things like code coverage analysis.

I am always an advocate of built-in-self-test and of developers putting in
the test automation for new/changed features.
This is easy enough for libraries like the main daffodil library where we
also have codecov, and sonarqube analysis, and where the CI/CD pipeline
runs a test suite for us.

The whole subject is harder for UIs where it depends on the ability to
script testing of the UI without the tests being so fragile that any change
to the UI breaks too many of them.

When a PR is created for the Daffodil VSCode IDE, what is the developer's
expectation of what happens during code review?
E.g., Are you expecting that at least one reviewer downloads and builds the
new code base, and then tests the new/changed features?
Or are you expecting just code-scrutiny for advice on patterns/idioms,
likely errors, etc.?

Please let's discuss.

-mike beckerle

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