Should the issue be added to the GitHub repository, Apache Jira, or both?

On 5/24/22, 1:15 PM, "Shane Dell" <> wrote:

    From what I am seeing it is common to use mock data to test out extensions. 
I can create an issue in apache/daffodil-vscode to start work on a new test 
suite for better testing UI aspects and other things that rely on the VS Code 

    On 2022/05/24 13:48:46 Shane Dell wrote:
    > I think to a certain extent we can create more unit tests that test out 
UI components. I have not
    > done much of this but I believe that it is relatively common to do so for 
frontend heavy projects.
    > However, in some cases in may be more involved some cases I have seen 
they write python
    > selenium code to make sure that when you run the command the proper 
action is taken. For
    > example, it would check to see that when you run the command to open the 
Infoset view that
    > the infoset view is now actually opened. However, I am sure there are 
other ways of testing UI
    > that I am just not familiar with. Moreover, I do think it would be best 
to have tests like this as if
    > we don't we would need at least 2 people to pull down the code and fully 
test out the UI itself. If
    > we have tests that just do it should make approving PRs easier and 
    > On 2022/05/23 17:43:34 Mike Beckerle wrote:
    > > Are there test automation tools available that can be used to drive the
    > > vscode debugger?
    > > 
    > > This would ideally include both something that drives the UI via easily
    > > created/maintained scripts, but also things like code coverage analysis.
    > > 
    > > I am always an advocate of built-in-self-test and of developers putting 
    > > the test automation for new/changed features.
    > > This is easy enough for libraries like the main daffodil library where 
    > > also have codecov, and sonarqube analysis, and where the CI/CD pipeline
    > > runs a test suite for us.
    > > 
    > > The whole subject is harder for UIs where it depends on the ability to
    > > script testing of the UI without the tests being so fragile that any 
    > > to the UI breaks too many of them.
    > > 
    > > When a PR is created for the Daffodil VSCode IDE, what is the 
    > > expectation of what happens during code review?
    > > E.g., Are you expecting that at least one reviewer downloads and builds 
    > > new code base, and then tests the new/changed features?
    > > Or are you expecting just code-scrutiny for advice on patterns/idioms,
    > > likely errors, etc.?
    > > 
    > > Please let's discuss.
    > > 
    > > -mike beckerle
    > > 

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