Alex Thurgood wrote:
Le lundi 14 février 2005 ā 21:51 +1100, Justin Clift a écrit :

Hi all,

If I've come across a bug in OOo2 Base 680m77, and find an existing bug for it in IZ (#42033) marked as RESOLVED/FIXED (680m75), does that means it should be fixed already for m77 and I need to report it's still broken, or not?

Well, it should be fixed, but if you are still having the problem, it might be worth opening it up again to see if it can be confirmed.


I've updated the issue (42033) to point out that for me the Report Wizard doesn't work with exactly the described problem there.

All I can say is that the report wizard in m77 behaves oddly to say the
least. I had to push the Next button several times to actually get it to
do anything once I'd selected my base and the fields to be included
(tested with a mysql db, and text fields).

Yeah. It's going to be one of the most powerful attractors to OOo2, and it's broken. :(

Oh, and it crashes a lot too, lots of Java exceptions thrown that are
caught by an exception handler (the crash recovery manager I presume).

Don't know. Haven't made it get past the wizard yet. (The problem I'm having is 100% reproducable).

I wonder if the version of java affects anything? I'm running 1.5.0_01-b08 on the workstation having the issue.

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift


Executive Director
Digital Distribution Global Training Services Pty. Ltd.
Premier and StarOffice Online Training providers

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