Am Fr, den 11.03.2005 schrieb Lawrence Harriott um 15:50:
> I responded earlier to this post then noticed this entry in my mailbox.
> For some reason, although I subscribed, the digest does not reach my
> mailbox, so I am not seeing the full discussion.
> As I pointed out earlier, the problem appears to be in the OOo
> integration of ODBC, not necessarily ODBC itself. It works fine on MS
> Windows (where ODBC originated). It appears that OOo does not check for
> permissions (and other things) at the same place that the DBMS does.
> Therefore, you are most likely going to find that isql (and any other
> external test) works fine but you have problems inside OOo.

If that is the problem (I can't read that exactly in the original post)
then goto:

> I posted my experiences and findings in the OOoforum under Mandrake10.1,
> OOo1.1.14, MySQL ... Have a look at it and see whether anything there
> might help in the mean time.

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