Hi Alex,

On Sun, 2005-03-13 at 08:44 +0100, Alex Thurgood wrote:
> Le dimanche 13 mars 2005 à 01:53 -0500, Lawrence Harriott a écrit :
> Hi Lawrence, 
> > > > Additionally, I have used the MySQL downloaded from MySQL and the one
> > > > supplied with MDK10.1. Same results. I think at this point it is fair to
> > > > say that the problems are not user errors. The ODBC interface between
> > > > MySQL / Postgresql and OOo is defective. 
> On my MDK 10.1 box, I can access my MySQL databases both locally and
> remote via MyODBC and OOo, and on the whole it is pretty good. There are
> some problems I'm currently exeriencing with beta 2 OOo that mean that
> OOo crashes a lot, making any serious use of OOo impossible, but with
> the 1.1.4 provided by MDK things work pretty much as expected. I only
> hope that the chronic instability of the current Base module wrt mysql
> is resolved before final release, otherwise I shall just wait to upgrade
> until things do get fixed. If they don't, then I will stay with 1.1.x.
> Alex

Great to hear that your ODBC is working fine. I am ok with my little
work around and the JDBC driver worked flawlessly for me, although
others have had problems with it. So I do not have any problems with
accessing my data now.

I have not tried OOo2-beta but I like 1.1.4 and 1.1.3. OOo is really a
lovely app. I will wait until the final release while I try out some
other linux distros and learn new stuff. I hope to test ODBC on one of
these other platforms to find out how it works on other distros.

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