Hi Andrew,

thanks for replying.

Am Samstag, den 29.10.2005, 23:57 -0400 schrieb Andrew Douglas Pitonyak:
> Marc Santhoff wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I'm diggin to the new things in the base module and it's api:
> >
> >The form wizard shows how to create a new form from an url, it creates a
> >temporary writer doc and inserts it in the DocumentDefinition wich in
> >turn is inserted into the "Forms" container.
> >
> >What I'd like to do is to create a new form in memory without the need
> >to store it temporarily. What would be the necessary steps to go?
> >
> >TIA,
> >Marc
> >
> >Btw., the new watches window with object inspection is really fantastic!
> >  
> >
> You can create a form that is NOT saved in a Base document, you just 
> need to setup the datasource as the Base document (I have not tested any 
> of this of course). So, I suppose that you can easily do this...

I should have made more clear what I want to do. There are two ways of
creating a new form in an .odb:

1. make a new writer doc and store it or use an existing doc for
inserting it into the DocumentDefinition by putting the URL into the
property array for the call to "createNewInstanceWithArguments()"

2. make a new doc and hand it over directly

Method one is used in the form wizard. I want to know, how I have to set
up the call when using the second way:

dim args(1) as new css.beans.PropertyValue
sType = "css.sdb.DocumentDefinition"

NewWriterDoc = CreateNewDocument("swriter") ' or similar, found in tools

args(0).Name = 
args(0).Value =
agrs(0).Name = 
args(0).Value =

MyNewFrom = MyFormDefContainer.createInstanceWithArguments(sType, args())
MyFormDefContainer.insertByName("NewFrom", MyNewFrom)

Can someone tell me how to fill the gaps correctly,please? I do not know
how to handover the "NewWriterDoc".


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