Hi Christian,

> I would like to contribute to the OOo development process.

Let me join Ocke in giving you a "Welcome" :)

> I've picked out the "Joins in dBase queries" project, as I like
> parsers and know dBase dialects quite well. My problem is the lack of
> time, so don't expect to get results very soon. Additionally, I will
> have to do some "warming up" before I can do useful contributions (I did
> not use too much of the OO database stuff before, and never installed
> nor looked into the SDK).
> Is it worth while and how to start?

Since the project is about extending the existing drivers, it's probably
good to set up an OpenOffice.org build environment first [1].

Once this is done (please tell us :), you might want to get a feeling
for the existing code in the locations Ocke mentioned:

OStatement_Base::construct [2] in FStatement.cxx is the entry point
where statement objects (you might want also want to read in the
Developer's Guide [3] about statements and result sets) are constructed,
and where currently statements with more than one table are rejected.

Familarizing with our parser [4] and iterator [5] might also be a good
idea - they are the basis for analyzing SQL statements, and iterating
through an SQL parse tree.

I think the basic idea would be to enhance the statement classes.
Currently, they know exactly one table (as m_pTable) and a set of
columns from this table. Before going into detail here (which Ocke could
do better than me, anyway, since he's the author of those drivers), I
suggest you set up the pre-requisites to build/debug OpenOffice.org, and
perhaps sneak into the existing code to get an initial feeling for it.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Database                   http://dba.openoffice.org -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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