Hello shreeseva,

> 1) I can't find how to customize grouping and ordering level for Base
> Reports.

You can create reports with the wizard only. This wizard, however,
should allow you to create groupings and sortings, so I am not quite
sure about your problem here.

> 2) Many times Base on Windows XP SP 2 crashes while editing form/report?
> why? 

Ah, well, we thought it could be funny to the user.

Seriously: Every crash is a bug. There had been quite some complaints
about the report designer crashing, but a lot of those should be fixed
with 2.0.2 (at least this is what the Writer guys told me :). If you
continue to experience crashes with 2.0.2, it would be helpful if you
can describe in detail what one must do to reproduce this crash.

> 3) Is it possible or new feature to be implemeted to use Open Source
> scripting Language for programming behind forms and reports. I think it
> will be very useful to add support for laguages such as Python, Perl,
> Ruby etc. as an add on feature.

In general, you would neem a UNO binding (UNO is OpenOffice.org's
component model) for those languages. There actually *is* a binding for
Python, so you should be able to script OOo (and thus also
forms/reports) using Python. I am not aware of any existing or
being-written binding for Perl or Ruby.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Database                   http://dba.openoffice.org -
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