
Hoping someone can help me with this.

At the moment I seem unable to install a copy of OOo ( m_220, M_221, and now m_222 ) that includes the Report Builder. ( That is the correct name now is it not? )

What I did was this. This is under Windows XP by the way.

I installed 2.3m_220 and noticed that only the primary user account on my machine was setup with the ReportDesigner. ( I entered an issue about this ) Then I used the extension manager to add in the copy of ReportDesigner.oxt that I had last retrieved from the CWS area into the other user accounts on my machine. Once this was done I started seeing differences with the reports being run by different user accounts. Checking the version numbers of the now different report designers in the different user configurations I found that the account used to do the install showed a version number of 0.1.3 ( I believe, that is from memory, so suspect ) and the configurations where I installed the oxt file directly carried a version number of 0.5.0.

Attempting to clean this up I removed all copies of the report designer from all user configurations using the extension manager, then ran the setup program again and asked it to repair the installation.
Report designer was not re-installed.

At this point I needed to drop this for a few days, returning to it briefly m-221 was available. I downloaded that and installed it. Once again no copy of report designer was installed.

Another brief period passed and m-222 was available. This time I completely removed OOo from my machine. ( ran un-install, deleted all directories [ shared and user ] and removed all entries in the registry ) I installed the m_222 snapshot build on what should have been a clean machine. Nope, still no report designer.

OK - first, in catching up with my emails I see that the version number difference was a non-issue as this was intentional - new version numbers used with the integration into the main source tree. I also found mention of the new name "Sun Report Builder", but that is neither here nor there for this problem, I think?

I want to install the report designer manually, but where the dickens can I find it?
Searching the OOo program directories finds nothing that looks like the file
I have searched through the cab files in the installation files and can't find anything that looks like a candidate for the file. So - where do I find the file that will let me install the actual extension? Am I just blind?

Any help would be appreciated.


Drew Jensen

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